Monthly Archives: October 2014

Lessons Learned Preparing for My First Powerlifting Meet

Today’s guest post is brought to you by a good friend of mine, Ryan Wood.  I first met Ryan back in 2010 when he came up to Cressey Sports Performance from Virginia as a collegiate baseball player. In the years since he has played professionally, interned at CSP, and since retiring from baseball has moved… Read more

Cueing Posterior Pelvic Tilt When Squatting and Deadlifting? Have I Gone Mad?

One of the more popular cues trainers and coaches use when teaching the squat and deadlift is to arch the lower back….hard. There’s a legitimate reason why, too. Squatting and deadlifting under load (consistently) into lumbar flexion is a major no-no, and usually results in any number of lower back dysfunctions and injuries. All someone has… Read more