Posts in "Corrective Exercise"

Exercises You Should Be Doing: Tall Kneeling Overhead Press off Bench

I’ve often be anointed as the “guy who dislikes or hates overhead pressing” on the internet. Given it’s the internet, this is pretty good. There are worse things to be called. The statement itself isn’t entirely false.   However, it does need to be tweaked: “I am not against any one exercise or feel a… Read more

To Roll and Stretch or Not To Roll and Stretch

Here’s the deal: Whether or not someone should stretch and/or utilize the foam roller is up to them. There’s research and anecdotal evidence to back up both sides of the argument I find value in both as a coach. Considering we’re talking about a 5-10 minute “investment,” and the abyss of benefits involved – improved tissue… Read more

Stop Cranking on Your Shoulders for More Mobility

Seriously, stop it. For many people the first choice when their shoulder begins to hurt or if they lack mobility is to start cranking and yanking on it. This is rarely the right approach, and as Andrew Millett (my good friend and Boston based physical therapist) points out in today’s post…there a far better and… Read more

Porcelain Post: Building a Wider Base to Reach a Higher Peak

NOTE: the term “Porcelain Post” was invented by Brian Patrick Murphy and Pete Dupuis. Without getting into the specifics, it describes a post that can be read in the same time it takes you to go #2. Huh, I guess that was more specific than I thought. Enjoy. Building a Wider Base to Reach a… Read more

How Unilateral Strength Training Can Improve Your Squat, Bench, and Deadlift

Another fantastic guest post today from Shane McLean. This time he tackles the importance of unilateral strength training and offers some neat ideas as to the best accessory movements to compliment the “big 3.”   Don’t you love “that” guy who always stands between you and the dumbbells while doing single arm curls and making… Read more

Exercises You Should Be Doing: Supine Straight Leg Hip Extension with Alternate Hip Flexion

Admittedly, today’s “Exercise You Should Be Doing” doesn’t highlight anything visually badass like, say, deadlifts vs. chains, recoiled sled high pulls (<– seriously, check that out), or, I don’t know, juggling chainsaws while balancing on a BOSU ball. Copyright: photozi / 123RF Stock Photo Nope, today’s exercise recommendation is very plain looking and is about as vanilla… Read more

Strong Traps, Healthy Shoulders

A funny thing happens whenever I inform someone (namely, guys) they need to hit their upper traps more. The immediately go into Bane mode: Visions of heavy barbell shrugs, breaking Batman’s back, and walking around asking people “do you feel in charge?” run rampant. It’s all well and good, I have nothing against shrugs. I… Read more

It’s Coming: The Complete Shoulder and Hip Blueprint

Much like Winter in Game of Thrones……It’s coming. Except, you know, in this case “it” has less to do with the Night King, White Walkers, and the impending doom of man, and more to do with shoulder and hip assessment, corrective exercise, strength & conditioning, and programming strategies to optimize performance in the weight room…. Read more