Posts in "personal training"

Failures Hurt. Here’s What I Learned From One

Today’s guest post comes courtesy of good friend, colleague, and past contributor to this site, Kim Lloyd.  If you’re a coach/personal trainer you’ve likely experienced what Kim describes below… …being “fired” by a client. It never feels good. But did you take it as an opportunity to reflect, learn, and grow or to just shrug… Read more

Putting the Pro In Fitness Professional

What does it mean to be a fitness professional? The definition (or more to the point, the expectation), admittedly, has gotten a bit less clear cut in recent years. Putting the “Pro” In Fitness Professional I could sit here and wax poetic that what separates a “true” fitness professional from someone who’s pretending to be… Read more

The One Question I Hate Answering

Hate is a strong word. I generally reserve that word for things like: Mushrooms Kipping pull-ups Attack of the Clones Talking about my feelings White supremacists However, a few weeks ago I received an email asking me a question I really do hate answering. No, it wasn’t asking me to send money to a Nigerian… Read more

A Thoughtful and Reflective Discussion On Postpartum Training

My son, Julian, was born January 31, 2017. Four days later my wife, Lisa, accompanied me to the gym. The workout wasn’t anything crazy. There were no burpees, no deadlifts, no squats; hell I don’t even think there was a barbell involved. If anything, the field trip served as more of a rendezvous back to… Read more

The New Essential Leg Exercise

The New Essential Leg Exercise It all started with a “huh.” I was perusing Instagram a few months ago when I came across my friend’s, Andrew Coates, feed. He had just posted a video of himself performing an impressive set of Supported Bulgarian Split Squats. Or, Hatfield Squats for the meatheads in the house. It… Read more

1-Minute Deadlift Tip: The Power of the Slow Start

Slow Start Deadlift Whenever someone rounds their back on a deadlift two things happen: A baby seal dies. I have to fight off the urge to throw my face into a fire. Caveats exist, however. Everyone at some point will round their back. Elite lifters will do it – sometimes on purpose – to lock… Read more

The Missing Key to Conquering Your First Pullup: Stop Focusing on Eccentrics and Do This Instead

Shots have been fired. Shots have been fired. Some people will read the title of this post and see what they want to see… “…Tony G has lost his mind. He’s telling people that doing eccentric only pull-ups to help build their actual pull-up is wrong. He also hates kittens.” Others will know better and… Read more

60 Second Deadlift Tip: The Trap Bar Counts As Deadlifting

“Home base” for most lifters can and should be the trap-bar deadlift. There, I Said It. Come at Me, Internet Trolls I remember a few years back when I was still coaching at Cressey Sports Performance another trainer who was there observing for the day walked up to make casual conversation and to ask a… Read more