Monthly Archives: November 2010

Exercises You Should Be Doing: Pallof to Overhead Press

I’m going to start today with a little side story. I remember a few months ago I was training at a commercial gym here in Boston, and I had some random dude approach me in between sets of 1-Legged SLDLs (stiff-legged deadlifts). I can’t recall verbatim the exact conversation, but I’m pretty sure it went… Read more

Miscellaneous Miscellany Monday: Marcel the Shell, Pumpkin Recipes, TankNasty

1. Being the understanding and thoughtful boyfriend that I am, I didn’t think anything of it when my girlfriend suggested to me yesterday (it’s Sunday afternoon as I type this) that we get up early and head to to some random store I’d never heard off called Bay State Somethingerother (I wasn’t paying attention) to… Read more

Past Bits of Awesomeness

First off, I hope everyone had a great Veteran’s Day. As you noticed, I took the day off from blogging, but it didn’t stop me from taking an American flag and stabbing myself in the eye with it (it was Veteran’s Day) after reading THIS. Read the comments section to see what I mean. Sorry,… Read more

Girls Lift Weights Because They Can. Weird, I Know.

One of the cool things about CP is that when people walk through the doors, they kind of know what they’re getting themselves into. If they don’t, they quickly get the general idea when they notice that we have more power racks (5) than treadmills (1). Furthermore, we don’t have a single Smith machine, leg… Read more

K.I.S.S Principle of the Day: Progressive Overload

TG Note: below is a question that I received from one of my distance coaching clients yesterday after he had a chance to look over his first program. To be honest, this guy has a fair amount of lifting experience, and my response to him was really basic. That said, I do get this question… Read more

New Gym Chain: Now You Can Look Just Like Skeletor, I Mean, Madonna

I didn’t wake up this morning with anything in particular that I wanted to write about, so I thought I’d pass along a story that CP business director, Pete Dupuis, sent my way the other day with the email title, “your next blog.” It was like I was a moth being drawn to a flame… Read more

Michael Pollan: Food Rules for Healthy People and Planet

It’s been a while since I’ve discussed anything nutrition related here, so I figured I’d throw a bone and post this awesome presentation I came across from Michael Pollan. As you may (or may not) know, Michael Pollan is the author of such works as The Omnivore’s Dilemma, In Defense of Food, and most recently,… Read more

The Best $5 You’ll Ever Spend

When it comes to nutrition, people are confused – and rightfully so. What with several different diet books coming out every week contradicting one another, it’s no wonder people have no idea what to eat. On one end of the spectrum you have books telling us that low-carb is the way to go, and as… Read more