Bill Burr on Childhood Obesity

I had the opportunity to see Bill Burr perform live last fall when he came to Boston, and I quickly became a big fan. Needless to say, he definitely has a knack for telling it like it is. Here, he performs a bit on childhood obesity, and he definitely hits the nail on the head!… Read more

Nice Work Hollywood!

The other day my inbox was inundated with THIS story of actress Gwyneth Paltrow reportedly being diagnosed with osteopenia, a precursor to the bone thinning disease, osteoporosis. In light of my past transgressions towards Ms. Paltrow and her “intelligent as a ham-sandwich” trainer, Tracy Anderson, let me first say that I will never make light… Read more

Q & A: Eating While on Vacation

The following is a question I had from a client the other week. Q: So, I’m headed to Cancun for vacation, food is all inclusive so I will be eating so much dead animal meat you would even be proud and I will go easy on the drinking. Any suggestions on what to do as… Read more

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work

The Best Postural Stretch? – Mike Reinold A nice post from Mike concerning sitting posture, and what we can do to counteract it. While I’m a little reluctant to go so far as to say that this stretch is a good idea for everyone (it isn’t), it does bring up some valid points with regards… Read more

The Best Email I’ve Ever Gotten, Not Counting the One Alicia Keys Hasn’t Sent Me Yet

Kind of short on time this morning, so rather than not write anything – I decided I’d share a quick email I received from one of my distance coaching clients over the weekend. We’ve been working together for a little over a month now, and he’s a great kid. He’s highly motivated, and just wants… Read more

A Trial Run With Two-a-Days

Understandably, when most people see the the term “two-a-days,” they immediately think of football, and the torturous sessions that the vast majority of high school, college, and professional coaches take their players through to get them ready for the upcoming season. For the record, this is not what I’m referring to. As it is, the… Read more

Which Certification to Get?

Q: First off, your blog is fantastic. I wish you could show up at the gym I go to and smack all the morons around. Unfortunately, I go to a Planet Fitness because most gyms in NYC where I live are quite expensive, so I do what I can. Anyway, I want to become a… Read more

Miscellaneous Miscellany Monday

1. I’m changing things around a bit today. Normally I do my blogging in the mornings. Typically I get up between 5:30-7AM, take my morning piss, turn on my laptop, walk into the kitchen to make breakfast, prepare my meals for the day while waiting for breakfast, eat breakfast, and then spend the rest of… Read more