Exercises You Should Be Doing: Hand Switches w/ Push-Up

What Is It: Hand Switches w/ Push-Up Who Did I Steal It From: I can’t remember, so I’m claiming this mofo. What Does It Do: This is actually a pretty versatile movement since it could be used as either part of a general warm-up or as part of an actual training program. I like this… Read more

5 Questions: Tony Gentilcore

Just wanted to share with everyone an interview I did for Leigh Peele’s site FLzine.com that was just put up today. I can only imagine the conundrum you’re in at this moment. I mean, you’re sitting there at work trying to keep yourself occupied from doing whatever it is you’re paid to do, and you… Read more

Miscellaneous Miscellany Monday (Cupcakes, Food Allergies, and a Movie Review)

1. Now that the weather is warmer, I’ve been making a point to go for some morning strolls before breakfast just to get the blood flowing, and to kick-start the day on the right note. Did I just come across as if I were a 70 year old man just then? Rest assured ladies, I’m… Read more

We’re All Going to Die. Thanks Babe

Just wanted to share a really good article that Mike Boyle linked to on his blog the other day written by Dr. Mercola concerning the recent hoopla surrounding the Swine Flu. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Lets be honest, Dr. Mercola is technically bat shit crazy at times, and I don’t necessarily agree with a lot of things he… Read more

A Little Piece Inside of Me Died Today

I did leg curls for the first time in like two years today*. I blame Eric Cressey for giving me the day off, and thus, forcing me to train at a commercial gym. That is all. UPDATE: I can’t figure out which is manlier- me doing leg curls or Jillian Michaels’ kankles. Discuss. *And by… Read more

I Watched a Movie on Friday Night That Didn’t Include Kate Beckinsale.

At the expense of sounding like a broken record (and keeping up with my current man-crush on Michael Pollan), I wanted to share with everyone a really good documentary I watched last week titled King Corn.* For those who have been out of the loop, or possibly reading my blog for the first time today… Read more

Miscellaneous Miscellany Monday (A Certain Someone Gets Engaged: Hint: Not me, Catch Phrases, and De-Load Weeks)

1. What an awesome weekend. FINALLY we had consecutive days of really nice weather in Boston, and you can bet that I took full advantage of that fact. Normally my weekends are spent singing hymns to old people and watching Hugh Grant movies. However, this weekend I had all sorts of fun “activities” planned. Friday… Read more

Exercises You Should Be Doing: The Rainbow Deadlift

Short and sweet today. Here’s one of my new favorite exercises. Not the most manly sounding exercise, I know. Unfortunately Kitten Tears Deadlift and Puppy Dog Kisses Deadlift were already taken. What Is It: The Rainbow Deadlift Who Did I Steal It From: Nick Tumminello (who coincidentally just released a really great dvd two weeks… Read more