Posts in "personal training"

What I Learned Taking the FMS

This is what I looked like last Sunday after spending three days and 20 course hours taking the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) I & II modules. That’s my face melting. It sounds (and looks) like a bad thing, but I assure you it’s the exact opposite. Sitting through 20 hours of anything can be daunting. Sitting… Read more

A Tale of Two Clients

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times….. Even for those who aren’t avid readers, the words above are fairly recognizable. At some point in everyone’s life they’ve (probably) heard the phrase absent of whether or not they know the origin: Charles Dickens’s A Tale of Two Cities. Yeah, I haven’t… Read more

Your Career in Fitness: A Guide to Professional Success

I get asked all the time from new and incoming trainers and coaches what they can do to better position themselves for (long-term) success in the fitness industry. Statistics show that most trainers burn out within a year and a half to two years. Granted there are many, many trainers who have long, prosperous, and… Read more

Confessions of an Introverted Strength Coach – Part II

Oops, one day late.  My bad. In part I of Confessions of an Introverted Strength Coach I discussed some of the misconceptions of what it actually means to be an introvert and then dissected some of the characteristics separating introverts from extroverts. I also linked to a simple test you can take to figure out… Read more

Confessions of an Introverted Strength Coach – Part I

Hi. My name is Tony Gentilcore, and I’m an introvert. I always have been, and always will be. And, if I’m going to be honest with myself it’s only been within the last few years of my adult life where I’ve accepted it, embraced it, and recognized that it’s played a massive role in not… Read more

What Every Personal Trainer Should Know

Like many of you I’m a member of a few Facebook groups. Some private, and some not so much. There’s a family page, a Cressey Performance page, a page that’s dedicated to my old JUCO baseball team, another one that I frequent which is for movie nerds, and another that may or may not be… Read more

How to Get to Where You Want to Be

I was up late this past Saturday night. Granted, late for me (10 PM) is not late for everyone else, especially on a weekend night. Moreover it’s probably when things are getting started for most people. Lisa and I had just gotten home from the movies where we saw the new Whitey Bulger documentary Whitey:… Read more

Two Dudes Talking Shop

I had the pleasure of recording an interview with Harold Gibbons, a fitness writer and trainer at Mark Fisher Fitness in NYC yesterday. The word “interview” is used loosely here, because it wasn’t so much an interview as it was two intelligent and uncannily witty dudes sitting down to talk shop on things ranging from… Read more