Posts in "Strength Training"

What’s The Single Best Thing You Can Do To Improve Your Program?

More specifically:  what’s the single best thing you can do to get better results in the gym? At the expense of making the most redundant statement ever, there’s a lot of information out there.  We’re inundated with it. At no point in human history has information been more readily available and “in our face” than… Read more

Can I Workout Today?

I love Tuesdays.  For me Tuesday is like everyone else’s Sunday because, as un-conventional as it is, it’s a regularly scheduled “day off” for me.  I know, that was all sorts of confusing, so let me try to clarify. I don’t have a standard weekend like most people. I work on Saturday (and sometimes even… Read more

Hold On For a Bigger Deadlift

I have a special treat for everyone today.  Anyone who’s read this blog for any length of time knows I have a special place in my heart for three things: Beef jerky (or any form of dead animal flesh, really), Star Wars, and deadlifts. Today I have a guest post by Adam T. Glass. Adam is… Read more

It Doesn’t Need To Be So Complicated

Regardless of the guru, my answer’s always the same, “It doesn’t need to be so complicated” I’ll tell them. That’s a quote from one of my favorite bloggers, Dr. Yoni Freedhoff, who always seems to have a knack for keeping it real and telling it like it is. Even though the good doc specializes and… Read more

5 Tips to Improve Your Deadlift

It’s no secret that I like to deadlift. Outside of sleep, going to a Sunday matinee, omeletes, Chipotle, and nunchucks, it’s probably my most favoritest thing in the world. There’s certainly no shortage of quality articles out there breaking down the deadlift and offering suggestions on how to increase your overall sense of badassery. Likewise,… Read more

Shut Up and Lift

I had the pleasure of doing an interview for Jon-Erik Kawamoto’s site last week, and without tooting my own horn, I have to say it’s arguably one of my best ones, like, ever. To read it in its entirety, you can go HERE. But since I know a lot of people never click on the… Read more

Miscellaneous Miscellany Monday: 8/6/12

1.  I firmly believe that one of the best ways to bring up any lift is repeated exposures to that lift.  One major mistake I see a lot of trainees make – particularly intermediate and advanced lifters (beginners can do ANYTHING and get stronger, and we all hate you for it) – is assuming that… Read more

Exercises You Should Be Doing: 1-Arm Dumbbell Press.

More appropriately this post should be titled:  Exercises You Should Be Doing:  1-Arm ANYTHING. It’s a bit of a conundrum if you ask me, but why is it whenever you come across articles that discuss unilateral (one-limbed) training, more often than not it ONLY discusses the lower body? I’ve been a culprit of it in… Read more