Posts Tagged with "Deadlift technique"

5 Tips to Improve Your Deadlift

It’s no secret that I like to deadlift. Outside of sleep, going to a Sunday matinee, omeletes, Chipotle, and nunchucks, it’s probably my most favoritest thing in the world. There’s certainly no shortage of quality articles out there breaking down the deadlift and offering suggestions on how to increase your overall sense of badassery. Likewise,… Read more

Deadlifts and Foot Placement

The deadlift is arguably one of the more technical strength movements to master, and it’s no wonder that it oftentimes takes trainees months, years (maybe even more) to really hone in on the technique side of things. So many variables and factors come into play, and if we were to make an impromptu checklist it… Read more

19 Tips for the Deadlift

1. Read THIS.  It will change your life.  Well, not really.  But at the very least it will (hopefully) clean up your technique. 2. Wolff’s Law and Davis’s Law. You can’t discount physics. The former states that bone in a healthy person or animal will adapt to the loads it is placed under. The latter… Read more

I Love Internet Warriors

Two weekends ago, on Easter, while eating steak with Lisa at fancy schmancy restaurant, an idea suddenly popped into my head for a blog post. A blog idea can manifest itself at any given moment – during my commute to work, as I’m watching a movie, etc – but on that particular day, as I… Read more

5 Coaching Cues: Deadlift

It’s no secret that I love deadlifts.  They rank right up there with Star Wars, my mom, oatmeal, and old GI Joe re-runs  And while I feel the deadlift is one of the more beneficial movements out there in terms of improving performance, muscle growth, and even posture….it’s still something that a lot of trainees… Read more

Stiffen Up Your Deadlift

There are many things in this world that I love.   My family, friends, and girlfriend come to mind first and foremost, obviously.  But, since I’m on the topic, I might as well take the opportunity and throw in a few more things for shits and… Read more

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 8/10/2011

First off, I want to thank everyone for the kind words and for supporting the initial launch of Muscle Imbalances Revealed – Upper Body yesterday.  In reality, however, all the kudos should go towards Rick Kaselj who’s the mastermind behind it all – the man… Read more

Q and A: The Road to a 400 lb Deadlift?

Q:  I know you are a busy guy but I thought you might be open to hearing from a long time reader and big time fan (not to mention a Canadian). Today was max deadlift day. We use a 8-5-3-1 progression. I… Read more