Posts Tagged with "youth training"

Spectrums of Absolute Strength vs. Absolute Speed

Today’s guest post comes to you via strength coach, Adam Rees, owner of GRITGym located in Iowa City, Iowa (the home state of one Capt. James T. Kirk, thank you very much). I’ve long championed the notion that strength is the foundation for everything else.  You can’t have power, agility, endurance, a great hair day,… Read more

Miscellaneous Miscellany Monday: Samurai, Youth Training, and I Need an Assistant!

1. So you know how I mentioned on Friday that we’re hosting a young female from Colombia for the next three weeks? FYI:  Lisa and I are hosting a teenager for three weeks. She made it here safely on Friday night and Lisa and I spent the entire weekend showing her the sights and sounds… Read more