Strategic Strength Workshop
Two trainers, both with over two decades of experience each, go into the weeds on assessment, program design, the psychology of client motivation, how to troubleshoot common strength exercises, and the best Jason Bourne fight scenes. This at home study course is the inside track to leveling up your coaching skills.

Even More Complete Shoulder and Hip Blueprint
Most sequels suck. Matrix Reloaded, Speed 2, shall I say more? This sequel, however, doesn’t suck. This is 11+ hours of NEW content Dean Somerset and I add to compliment version 1.0

Complete Shoulder and Hip Blueprint
The most comprehensive resource on shoulders and hips available in the known universe (not that I’m biased or anything). Myself and Dean Somerset cover assessment to corrective exercise to how to coach up common strength training exercises.

Distance Coaching
The hardest person to train is yourself. Well, training a blind, one-legged pirate is pretty hard, too. But after that, writing a program for yourself is hard…like trying to perform long division. Why not let me do the thinking for you? Just because we can’t work together in person doesn’t mean you can’t benefit from my expertise.

Work With Me In Person
Live in the Boston area, or visiting? Want to train or work with me in person? I don’t blame you; I’m a pretty cool person to hang out with.
Whether you’re looking for an assessment, some quality coaching, or both, or you just want to listen to some sick techno beats, I’d be more than happy to help. Simply get in touch.