Miscellaneous Miscellany Monday

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1. Most know Anthony Renna as the guy behind the guy, behind the guy of the strengthcoach.com podcast. I’ve had the pleasure of crossing paths with Anthony on a few occasions, whether it be a Perform Better conference or during Mike Boyle’s latest Functional Strength Coach seminar- as was the case several weeks ago. Needless to say, Anthony is a really innovative guy, and he was kind enough to offer me a free subscription to his Strength and Conditioning Webinars site. It’s only been within the past two weeks or so that I’ve been able to play around with it, but I have to say that it’s pretty kick-ass.

The premise is simple. Get some of the top names in the industry. Have them make a PowerPoint presentation. Hook them up to the internet. And BAM- you sir, have yourself a Webinar. It’s kind of like that scene in Eyes Wide Shut when Tom Cruise shows up to that mansion in the middle of no where, opens up the doors, and finds himself smack dab in the middle of some secret mask society gettin their freak on all over the place. Except, you know, it’s nothing like that.

Nevertheless, Anthony has developed an awesome resource. and I highly encourage any fitness professional to check out Strength and Conditioning Webinars ASAP.

2. Along similar lines, I listened to Charlie Weingroff’s webinar on Knee Pain Considerations in Training and Rehab, just the other day, and was blown away by what he had to say about the hip internal rotation paradox. In a nutshell- and without giving away too much- he said:

“……the joint system can not stabilize unless it knows it HAS to. We must have full mobility at ALL joints before we have a prayer to stabilize.”

In other words, our joints are kind of like a pendulum.

The only reason a joint “knows” to stay in the middle, or stabilize (position #3), is because it recognizes what it’s like to be either to the far left (position #1) or far right (position #5). If a joint lacks sufficient mobility- as is the case when someone demonstrates HIRD (Hip Internal Rotation Deficit)- then it lacks the proper proprioception to stabilize. As a result, position #2 is now considered “normal” to the body, which will obviously wreak havoc on joint function and cause a myriad of musculo-skeletal issues in the end. Charlie discusses it more thoroughly than I do, but I felt it was a pretty cool concept nonetheless.

3. Here is a great three-part series written by John Izzo on how to fire a client. We’ve all had clients where we’d rather swallow live bees, or worse, attend a Celine Dion concert than spend another hour listening to them bitch and whine about whatever it is they’re bitching and whining about. In this series, John discusses how to go about bringing out the inner Donald Trump in all of us.

4. I’ll end with this. I’m literally speechless*

* and by speechless, what I really mean is Christmas shopping is totally done this year.

Did what you just read make your day? Ruin it? Either way, you should share it with your friends and/or comment below.

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Plus, get a copy of Tony’s Pick Things Up, a quick-tip guide to everything deadlift-related. See his butt? Yeah. It’s good. You should probably listen to him if you have any hope of getting a butt that good.

I don’t share email information. Ever. Because I’m not a jerk.

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