

Megan Callaway is my “go to” coach when it comes to helping people increase their pull-up badassery.

This program will get the job done.

Dean Somerset takes you step by step – from assessment to badass – through SIX months or programming that will get you stronger, moving better, and feeling like a million bucks.

If you’re a fitness professional it behooves you to know how to properly assess and train women who are postpartum (<– you still need to lift things).

Once postpartum ALWAYS postpartum

How fitness is marketed towards women is shameful at times. Key words like “sexy” and “toned” are used in lieu of words like strong and performance.

Neghar Fonooni breaks the mold and offers a well-rounded training system that will help not only educate but empower women.

Pat Davidson is a beast and he knows how to make YOU into one as well. This program is not for the faint of heart.

The most successful gyms and fitness professionals in the industry aren’t just wizards with the x’s and o’s of program design and exercise execution. They’re also masters when it comes to the soft skills of coaching and building a winning culture.

Most kids don’t need a strength coach. They need a tree to climb and a bike. Mike Boyle goes into great detail on youth training in this amazing resource.

An excellent resource by Kourtney Thomas and Jen Sinkler geared toward women who want to add muscle (and aren’t afraid to show it off).