Posts in "Uncategorized"

Exercises You Should Be Doing (Half Kneeling Cable Chop)

Contrary to what many people believe, there is no clear evidence that exists to link tightness or weakness of a particular muscle group to injury. However, it has been shown that a significant amount of injuries were noted in those trainees with right-left strength and/or flexibility imbalances (asymmetries). When evaluating new clients, I always like… Read more

Exercise Physiology 101

In his book “Form and Function: The Anatomy of Motion, ” Evan Osar states, “research indicates many orthopedic injuries are related to weakness in the decelerators of the body or lack of eccentric control. Many injuries occur in the deceleration or slowing phase of motion.” Before I go on, lets have a little review on… Read more

Small Rant on Fat Loss

We all know that in order to burn body fat, we have to provide some sort of caloric deficit (calories in must be less than calories out) to do so. Despite what many people claim, they are not the lone exception in all of human history that defies the laws of thermodynamics. As I have… Read more

Plan Ahead

Over the weekend, my girlfriend and I were in Maine celebrating my birthday. Since my birthday is considered a state wide holiday up there, it was a weekend to remember. Lets just put it this way, if being awesome was like having the lamest line in Star Wars history (“Noooooooooooooooooooo!!”), then this past weekend would… Read more

Supplement Mania

Not too long ago, I was chatting with a guy who was frustrated with his progress in the gym (trying to put on some mass) and mentioned to me that he dropped $150 at his local GNC on supplements the prior day. Upon asking him what he bought, he had no idea and couldn’t even… Read more

Comfort Zones

I was doing some of my daily reading the other day and came across an article written by Coach Robert “Dos” Remedios (Strength and Conditioning coach at the College of the Canyons, located in Santa Clarita, CA) where he discussed “comfort zones.” As I have said before, we’re creatures of habit and it’s only natural… Read more

Exercises You Should Be Doing (Band Assisted Pull-Ups)

I have a simple rule I like to follow. If you can’t perform at least one body weight pull-up (if you’re a woman) or five body weight pull-ups (if you’re a man) or twenty pull-ups with a full grown elephant on your back (if you’re me), then you have no business what-so-ever spending ANY time… Read more

You Can’t Out Train a Poor Diet

Admit it, your Thanksgiving was spectacular. Even though you would rather drink laundry detergent than torture yourself with another slice of Aunt Jane’s mince meat pie; or I don’t know, listen to a Britney Spears album rather than listen to your dad tell the same story of how he caught three touchdown passes in a… Read more