Showing search results for “bar speed”.

Tuesday Titulating Thoughts (May or May Not Contain Footage of a Certain Fitcast Host Get Dominated While Benching) Hint: It Totally Does

1. The seminar this past weekend was a blast. It was great to see friends I haven’t seen in a while, as well as listen to some awesome presentations. On an aside, it was nice to finally attend a seminar without the token “guy with jeans and UnderArmour shirt” on. Likewise, I didn’t see anyone… Read more

Deadlift Troubleshooting and I’m Pretty Sure I Found My Future Wife (Sorry Jen from Saugus Hooters)

Q: I am having issues with my deadlift. No matter what I do it seems that I can never get my deadlift to 400 lbs and above (which is embarrassing). Currently, I am using your Rule of 90 Percent article and finding great gains in everything but the deadlift. Do you have any suggestions or… Read more

Micellaneous Miscellany (Warming Up, Unstable Surface Training, and Tony Goes to NYC…..”

1. I read a really good article earlier this week written by Chris Cooper titled Warming Up to PR’s. One of my biggest pet peeves as a strength coach is when I see someone walk in, do their dynamic flexibility routine, and then walk over to the deadlift platform and load the bar up to… Read more

Why Not Both?

In co-hosting The Fitcast the past two weeks, there was one conversation in particular that really struck a chord with me. At one point, the gang happened to get on the topic of “what’s your training philosophy,” or “what does your training look like?” To be honest I don’t really remember the exact question because… Read more