Posts in "Corrective Exercise"

Where Does Unstable Surface Training Fit In? (Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee)

Q: I’ve frequently read that unstable surface training in a non rehabilitate setting isn’t of that much use, particularly due to the fact that the increased muscle recruitment doesn’t necessarily become functional in other athletic activities. Im curious where stir the pot comes into all this? I certainly get great anterior core recruitment but am… Read more

So Your Shoulders Are Depressed (So Sad)

So Your Shoulders Are Depressed (S0 Sad) Despite the cheekiness nature of the title, you can relax: I’m not suggesting that your shoulders are “depressed” in the literal sense of the word. I mean, it’s not as if they just got word they contracted ebola or that their heart just got ripped out by some… Read more

The Perfect Assessment Tool?

Lets be clear from the start: there’s really no such thing as a “perfect” assessment. I’ve seen coaches and trainers spend as little as ten minutes assessing their clients, as well as those who take roughly the same time it would take to read the Harry Potter series, and both have been equally as successful… Read more

Recapping Dean and Tony’s Boston Workshop (Includes Best T-Shirt Ever Made)

Now that I’ve had a good 24-36 hours to decompress my brain, I wanted to take a few moments and share some of the shenanigans that went down last weekend at Cressey Performance. As many of you know, my good friend and brotha from another motha, Dean Somerset, came to town for a few days… Read more

So Your Shoulder Hurts……

I’d say that at least once a week I open up my email and start reading something that sounds like this, “Hi Tony, this is (enter name of Victoria Secret model here). I was checking out your website and……..” Just kidding – that’ll never happen.  But fingers crossed that it does someday. Back in reality… Read more

Turkish Get-Up: Roll-to-Elbow Conundrum

Damn those Turks!  It’s no secret that I have a love-hate (mostly hate) relationship with the Turkish get-up. I love them because there’s no doubting their validity in terms of providing a lot of bang-for-our-training buck.  We’ve been utilizing them more and more at CP with our athletes and clients to address everything from scapular… Read more

The Truth About a Healthy Spine – Part II

Here is Part Two of Dr. Michael Stare’s guest post on spinal health from yesterday. Enjoy the weekend! In part one I focused on discussing the debate about bracing or hollowing the spine for optimal stability, and revealed evidence suggesting that focusing on just on muscle is a flawed method of improving stability and treating… Read more

The Truth About a Healthy Spine – Part I

Today’s guest post comes from physical therapist and strength coach Dr. Michael Stare.  Mike is wicked smart, wicked fit, and wicked good looking.  I hate him because I’m not him….;o) I’ve known Mike since I moved here to the Boston area in 2006 and have corresponded with him intermittently in that same time frame. I’m… Read more