Posts in "Corrective Exercise"

Prioritize Your Mobility

Today I have an excellent guest post by Boston based strength coach, Matthew Ibrahim. I love pointing people in the direction of coaches in the industry who are on the up and up, and Matthew definitely falls into that camp. He’s someone who I feel provides a ton of great content and has a lot… Read more

Making Difficult Lifts Easier

The word “easier” is subjective in this context. I mean, can we really make a squat or deadlift easy? Maybe a better way to state things is to say “easier to perform so that someone doesn’t shit their spine.” As a strength coach it’s obviously important for me to help get people stronger – especially… Read more

Fix Your Knees, Get Bigger & Stronger

It’s kind of hard to achieve the holy grail of brohood – i.e., bigger, faster, and stronger (and tanned) – if you’re constantly banged up and/or hurt. Our knees take a beating as it is, but if you’re a meathead this statement is exponentially true. But even if someone says “my knees hurt!”……what does that… Read more

A Simple Way to Pattern the Hip Hinge

Sometimes I think to myself how much of a moron I am. And I don’t say that lightly. I’m 100% serious. I’m a moron. Or, to use a more “Tony’esque” term… asshat. Lets rule out the obvious offenses like that time, as a freshman in my first college start, I threw a 3-2 hanging curveball… Read more

Everything You Know About Corrective Exercise Is Wrong

Raise your hand if the mere sight of the term “corrective exercise” makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up or results in having to resist the urge to jump through a pane glassed window. [Raises hand] Corrective exercise can mean different things to different fitness professionals. For some, like physical therapists,… Read more

Stretching Isn’t Always the Answer: 3 Common Mistakes

I’m an avid reader. At any given time I’m reading 3-4 books at once. I’m always working my way through something related to my field. These are what I like to call the “hafta reads.” Meaning, I hafta read “x book” in order to stay sharp and on top of things related to my profession… Read more

Critical Eye for Program Design

Every Wednesday we hold a staff in-service at Cressey Sports Performance where the coaching staff along with the interns get together and talk about “stuff.” One week Eric may break down thoracic outlet syndrome and how to go about programming around it.  Another week Greg may discuss some new sprinting drills and how we can… Read more

Massage: Misunderstood and Misused

I have an excellent guest post for you today, but before I hand it over to you for your reading pleasure I wanted to quickly remind people of my Premium Workout Group on After a 4-month block of a strength emphasis (and people breaking personal records left and right), we’re currently in the midst… Read more