Posts Tagged with "deadlift"

The Story of a Shitty Deadlift Turned State Record

HEADS UP: My newest and latest continuing education resource – Strategic Strength – is now officially available to make out with purchase. It’s on sale all this week at $50 off the regular price. I hope you’ll check it out. (waves Jedi hand – you WILL check it out). This is a story about a… Read more

Should You Use Straps When Deadlifting?

Lifting Straps. Yes, No, Maybe So? Starring at the barbell on the floor I couldn’t help but think to myself, “holy shit that’s a lot of weight.” Also, “I hope I don’t shit my spleen.” The year: 2004. The place: Albany, NY, at some random Golds Gym. I was visiting my sister and her family… Read more

How to Deadlift: The 9 Best Coaching Tips

I know this seems very uncharacteristic of me and something I normally don’t write about, but I recently collaborated with my good friend Andrew Coates and wrote an extensive article on hornets deadlifts. I don’t know the exact number, but it’s around my 37th article on T-Nation on the topic…;o) Deadlifts: A Complete Guide Andrew… Read more

1-Minute Deadlift Tip: Use Squats to Build Your Deadlift

I’ve always been painfully slow off the floor when I deadlift. Like, you could be watching the movie Titanic and I’d juuuuust be getting the barbell off the floor by the time you got to the part where Rose lets go of Jack. If this sounds like you, you may need some more squats in… Read more

1-Minute Deadlift Tip: Start Where You End

The “Reverse” Deadlift What’s unique about the deadlift – as opposed to the squat or bench press – is that it begins with a concentric, or overcoming, movement. For a variety of reasons like leverages, mobility restrictions, it’s Tuesday, etc., starting from the floor can be problematic for some people. One simple way to build… Read more

1-Minute Deadlift Tip: External Cues For the Win

External (Not Internal) Cues For the Win You’ve heard these before: Chest up. Extend your T-spine. Create torque in your hips. Those are cues which work well for some, but can sound like Elvish to many trainees, particularly when they’re new to deadlifting. Instead, get more acquainted with external cues which, contrast to their internal… Read more

1 Minute Deadlift Tip: When To Consider Using a Sumo Style Deadlift

When To Consider Using a Sumo Style Deadlift To me, the conventional deadlift (feet closer together, hands outside knees) is the most advanced variation of the deadlift and likely not the best starting point for most lifters. Yet, purists out there would prefer passing a kidney stone through their eyeballs than ever consider reverting to… Read more

1 Minute Deadlift Tip: Neck Position

High Bar vs. Low Bar HIIT vs. Steady State Cardio Carnivore Diet vs. CICO Godzilla vs. Godsmack There’s no shortage of “debates” in the health/fitness space. Ideal neck position during a deadlift is also a hotly debated topic and I can appreciate both sides of the argument. Here’s my take and what has worked well… Read more