Posts in "Exercise Technique"

A Simple Way to Pattern the Hip Hinge

Sometimes I think to myself how much of a moron I am. And I don’t say that lightly. I’m 100% serious. I’m a moron. Or, to use a more “Tony’esque” term… asshat. Lets rule out the obvious offenses like that time, as a freshman in my first college start, I threw a 3-2 hanging curveball… Read more

Miscellaneous Miscellany Monday: Get-ups, Deadlifts, and B-Days

1.  I have a love-hate relationship with Turkish get-ups. Photo Credit: John Maguire As a coach I love them in the sense of how much bang-for-my-training-buck they provide. I get asked all the time from my athletes and clients “what the hell do these get-up thingamabobbers do anyways?” To which I respond: what don’t they… Read more

What We’re Really Saying When We Discuss Breathing

I read a recent article by my good friend, Jordan Syatt, on the Personal Trainer Development Center’s website titled No One Ever Got Better Solely From Diaphragmatic Breathing Exercises and I liked it for two reasons: Photo Credit: Shawn Rossi 1. It’s a message that needed to be said. Breathing drills (and to be more… Read more

How to Improve Tension In the Deadlift

My former editor at T-Nation, Bryan Krahn, used to cringe sometimes when I sent him an article. It seemed every other article I sent him would hover around the topic of deadlifts. Top Tips to Improve Your Deadlift Deadlifts For Mass Gains Deadlifts For Athletic Gains How Deadlifts Can Spice Up Your Sex Life &… Read more

Stretching Isn’t Always the Answer: 3 Common Mistakes

I’m an avid reader. At any given time I’m reading 3-4 books at once. I’m always working my way through something related to my field. These are what I like to call the “hafta reads.” Meaning, I hafta read “x book” in order to stay sharp and on top of things related to my profession… Read more

New Warm-Up: Keiser Flow

Today’s guest post is brought to you by Boston University Assistant Strength and Conditioning coach, Jill Zeller. I started training and making cameo appearances at BU two or so years ago when one my good friends, Dave Rak, was a GA there. He left (now a S&C coach at University of Washington), and the staff… Read more

Exercises You Should Be Doing: Core Activated Deadbug w/ KB

I know for some reading, the idea of reading another post on deadbugs is about as exciting as watching paint dry, or worse, listening to Taylor Swift’s new album. I can commiserate to a degree. I can hear the cries now: “I mean really, deadbugs? Come on Tony, I thought you liked to lift heavy things… Read more

Cueing Posterior Pelvic Tilt When Squatting and Deadlifting? Have I Gone Mad?

One of the more popular cues trainers and coaches use when teaching the squat and deadlift is to arch the lower back….hard. There’s a legitimate reason why, too. Squatting and deadlifting under load (consistently) into lumbar flexion is a major no-no, and usually results in any number of lower back dysfunctions and injuries. All someone has… Read more