Posts in "Exercise Technique"

What’s Your Problem?

Don’t worry I’m not trying to be confrontational or anything. The title of today’s post is actually the same title as a chapter in the book I just finished, Think Like a Freak by Steven Levitt & Stephen Dubner (AKA:  the same guys who wrote Freakonomics and Superfreakonomics, both of which are fantastic as well.)… Read more

Form Tweaking and Overreaching: Two Ways to Increase Your Squat Numbers

I’m still in Cancun…..nah nah nah nah naaaaaah. Today’s guest post comes from Justin Kompf, who’s had several articles featured on this site like THIS one and THIS one. Not only is he a professor at my Alma Mater, SUNY Cortland, but he’s also someone I feel is going to do a lot of cool… Read more

How to Maintain Deadlift Strength

I received an interesting question from a reader the other day on deadlifts, particularly 1RM (1 rep max) deadlifts. And since I get all giddy like a school girl at a One Direction concert whenever someone brings up the topic, I figured I’d share my answer here on my website since I’m sure it’s a… Read more

How Deep Should I Squat?

Perusing the internet can be comical.  LOLcats, Buzzfeed, and Star Wars parodies aside, where I find the most comedy (or to be more precise, the most chest thumping, blatant lies, and fibbing) are in various training websites and forums. It seems everyone on the internet – at least in training circles – is either some… Read more

How to “Handle” the Kettlebell

There was a time when I hated kettlebells.  Okay maybe hate’s a strong word. Hate is something that’s reserved for things like Hitler, terrorists, sub-prime mortgage loans, and poodles. Disliked may be a more appropriate term in this context. Regardless there was a time when I felt kettlebells were nothing more than a fad  –… Read more

A Response to Anyone Who Feels Deadlifts Are Destroying Everyone’s Spine

A HUGE thank-you to Bret Contreras for his contribution to this post. You’re my boy blue! A little backstory.  A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away A few years ago – back in 2010 – I wrote a blog post in response to someone claiming that deadlifts were “one of the worst… Read more

Building a Superhuman Core

Nowadays you seemingly can’t walk more than 15 feet without crossing paths with a CrossFit gym.  Along those same lines, you can’t go more than five clicks (it’s like the internet’s version of the Kevin Bacon game!) before you view some iteration of a “core training” article espousing anything from six-minute abs to improved posture… Read more

Nailed It: Ass-Kicking With Nothing But a Kettlebell

Note from TG:  Still on vacation.  Lisa dragged me zip-lining yesterday.  I almost destroyed the back of my pants.  But it ended up being so much fun! That is all.   Enjoy this awesome guest post by current Cressey Performance intern, James Cerbie (who happened to write THIS very popular article on push-ups a few… Read more