Nowadays you seemingly can’t walk more than 15 feet without crossing paths with a CrossFit gym.  Along those same lines, you can’t go more than five clicks (it’s like the internet’s version of the Kevin Bacon game!) before you view some iteration of a “core training” article espousing anything from six-minute abs to improved posture to bringing sexy back.

And guess what?  Today I’m sharing my own iteration of a core training article!!!

Except, you know, mine doesn’t suck.

Core training means different things to different people.

On one end of the spectrum you have those trainers and coaches who feel all you need is to deadlift and squat and you’ll cover all your core-training bases.  I feel this is a bit of a mis-guided POV.  Conversely, on the other end, you have those who will spend half a training session “activating” their TA .

The answer to the riddle, as always, usually lies somewhere in the middle of those two extremes.

I prefer to address core training in a multi-faceted manner where I take each and every individual who walks through our doors at the facility through a litany of assessment protocols to figure out what would be the best approach for him or her.

And it’s with this thought in my mind that I wanted to toss my name into the mix and finally write my treatise on the topic of core training.

It’s pretty good (I think).  You should check it out.

Click Me <—– Careful, I’m Ticklish