We had an exciting morning today at Cressey Performance. I managed to get through an entire session with the women’s group without being called an a-hole (no small feat by any stretch of the imagination), and Chris Frankel from TRX was gracious enough to stop by and bust out a quick two hour staff in-service for us.

As some of you may recall from earlier in the week, I blogged about the TRX Trainer, and while I went in with some hesitation, I have to say I was thoroughly impressed with a lot of the stuff he showed us. Which is to say, it was rather eye opening to see how much I sucked. Needless to say, we’re definitely going to be incorporating more of this stuff into our programming. Consider this a fair warning CP clients. *strokes evil strength coach beard*

Anyways, here’s some stuff you should check out:

1. Exercise and My First Trimester of Pregnancy– Cassandra Forsythe

As you can surmise from the title, Cassandra is preggers. As such, she’s making it her mission to prove to women everywhere that even if you’re expecting, you can still train.

2. The Cressey Performance Intern– Steph H-B (AKA-CP’s longest tenured client, and definitely not my girlfriend)

I’ve dated a girl or two (hundred*), and Steph isn’t one of them. You’ll have to click the link above to figure out what the heck I’m talking about. Anyways, Steph often writes about her experiences training with us, and this was a nice post discussing what it takes to be a CP intern.

3. Speaking of CP interns- Roger????

4. The Real Biggest Losers….the Viewers– Coach Dos

It’s no secret that I’d rather watch a rhinoceros pass a kidney stone than watch The Biggest Loser, and here’s why. Thank you Coach!

5. Four Challenges to Light Your Fire– Dan John

Dan John is one of my favorite writers, and just so happens to know a thing or two about coaching athletes. Here’s another classic.

Enjoy the weekend everyone!

* Give or take 199