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I get invited onto a lot of podcasts.

Some are fun to do, while others make me want to voluntarily commit myself to Azkaban Prison. This most recent one I did with Vermont based strength coach, Casey Lee, definitely falls under the umbrella of the former.

I like a more casual, conversational approach. Sorta like two people hanging out and talking about whatever happens organically.

I also like chats that are short and to the point. I’m cool as shit, but no one – not even my mother – wants to listen to me talk for an hour.

This episode of “3 Things” is less than 30 minutes and Casey and I talk about everything from building a brand to dad life to Tiesto.


To listen on iTunes go HERE (episode # 38)

To listen on Stitcher go HERE.

To listen on Google Play go HERE.

To listen in the future go HERE.1

  1. LOL – got you.