Lisa and I had an amazing 1-day excursion into the Barossa Valley yesterday where we visited seven (yes, SEVEN) different wineries.
Needless to say Lisa was feeling, well, pretty damn good.
As I type these words we’re in the Adelaide airport awaiting our flight to Melbourne where we’ll meet up again with Dean Somerset so he and I can teach our (Even More) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint workshop.
After that Lisa and I have two full days to explore Melbourne.
Any suggestions?
In lieu of my travel plans I obviously haven’t placed any emphasis on writing any new content; vacation Tony doesn’t mess around. Nevertheless, I do have some content for you today: my latest podcast appearance on The Todd Nief Show.

Hip-Hop, Psychology of Being a Coach, and Shoulder Shenanigans
NOTE: Lisa and I will be at Todd’s gym, South Loop Strength & Conditioning in Chicago, IL on August, 18th to teach our Strong Body-Strong Mind Workshop.
There’s only a little more than a week left to take advantage of the early bird rate (and CEUs will be available).
Details below.
—> CLICK ME (that tickles) <—
Okay, onto the show!
Todd Nief is the founder of South Loop Strength & Conditioning in Chicago and he and I had the opportunity to sit down and chat a few weeks ago about everything from common mistakes people make when trying to increase shoulder ROM and how to create “buy in” with potential clients to why the word “dysfunction” should be the LAST word you use as a coach and some of the psychological pitfalls many people fall prey to when it comes to training.
You can listen below here:
Or, if you prefer, you can download on iTunes HERE (you snob).
Thanks for listening.