CategoriesAssessment Corrective Exercise Exercise Technique Rehab/Prehab Strength Training

Everything and Nothing Causes Low Back Pain

The topic of low back pain (LBP) – how to assess it, diagnose it, and how to treat it – can be a controversial one. I italicized the word “can” because I don’t feel it’s all that controversial.

Cauliflower as an option for pizza crust or Zach being chosen as the bachelor on the current season of The Bachelor (when it’s 100% clear that a ham sandwich has more charisma) = controversial.

Simple stuff to consider to help with one’s LBP = not so much.

Copyright: olegdudko / 123RF Stock Photo
Copyright: olegdudko / 123RF Stock Photo

Everything and Nothing Causes Low Back Pain

The topic of low back pain and how to address it is controversial because there’s no one clear approach or answer to solve it.

(And if the last 3+ years of this pandemic dumpster fire has taught us anything it’s that we looooooove to argue over what’s best and what works).

SPOILER ALERT: Everything and nothing causes LBP.

Have ten different doctors or physical therapists work with the same patient and it’s likely you’ll get ten different opinions as to what the root cause is and what tactics need to be implemented to resolve it.

One person says it’s due to delayed firing of the Transverse Abdominus (TA), while someone else states it’s due to someone’s less than great posture or tight hamstrings.

For the record, all are weak excuses at best.

The culprit can rarely be attributed to any ONE thing.

But it’s amazing how often “tight hamstrings” is the fall guy.

  • Low back pain? Tight hamstrings.
  • Knee hurts? Tight hamstrings.
  • Have Type II Diabetes? Tight hamstrings.
  • Brown patches on your front lawn? Hamstrings.

It’s uncanny.

I mean, I could just as easily sit here and say in worse case scenarios LBP results from drinking too much coffee. I have zero evidence to back that up, but whatever.

top view of ground coffee in portafilter on coffee beans background

…neither do most of the other “culprits” people tend to use as scapegoats.

So, why not coffee?

Or Care Bears for that matter, those sadistic fucks.

What works for one person, may exacerbate symptoms for someone else. And as my good friend, Dr. John Rusin notes:

Fact of the matter is: there is NO one right way. it’s a big mistake to lump all LBP into the same category and even a bigger mistake to assume all of it presents the same or should be treated the same.”

There’s no way for me to write a thorough blog post on such a loaded topic; especially one that will make everyone happy.

It’s impossible.

I have better odds at surviving a cage match with an Uruk-hai.

Part of me feels like the proper response to the question “what causes low back pain and what’s the best way to address it?” is this:


But that would be woefully uncouth of me.[footnote]10,000 blogging Scrabble points to me for using the word uncouth in a post.[/footnote]

Most people reading aren’t clinicians or physical therapists. There’s very little (if any) diagnosing going on in the hands of a personal trainer or strength coach. And, truth be told, if you are a personal trainer or strength coach and you are diagnosing, YOU……NEED…….TO…….STOP.

Just stop.

It’s imperative to defer to your network of more qualified (and vetted) fitness/health professionals whom you trust to do that.

However, it’s important to also consider we (as in personal trainers and strength coaches) are often the “first line of entry” into the medical model. We’re the first to recognize faulty movement patterns, weakness, imbalances, and bear the brunt of questioning from our clients and athletes when they come to us with low back pain.

There’s quite a bit we can do to help people.

What follows is a brief look into my mind and what has worked for me in the past with regards to LBP; a Cliff Notes “big rock” brain dump if you will.

Sorry if I offended anyone who likes Care Bears.

1) Rest Is Lame

Pretty blonde relaxing on the couch at home in the living room

My #1 pet peeve (and many agree with me) is that “rest” is the worst piece of advice ever.

“Go stick your finger in that electrical socket over there” would be better.

This isn’t to say there aren’t extenuating circumstances where taking a chill pill is absolutely the right choice; sometimes we do need to back off and allow the body a window of time to heal or reduce pain/swelling/symptoms.

That said, I think it’s lame when a medical professional tells someone to “rest,” or worse, informs them that they’ll need to learn to “live with low back pain.”

It’s a defeatist attitude and will spell game over for many people. Before you know it they’re living on a foam roller and thinking about a “neutral spine” while washing their hands.

(NOTE: I am not anti-teaching neutral spine to people. It’s a lovely starting point for most people, but at some stage people need to learn to move in (and out) of precarious positions…because that’s life).

A common theme reverberated in the S&C community is to say “strength is corrective.” I wholeheartedly agree with this sentiment. In fact, why the hell has this not been made into a t-shirt yet?

However, I think a slightly better moniker may be to say:

Movement is corrective.

We can use movement (and yes, strength) to help people get out of pain. Rest has its time and place, but I find stagnation to be more of a problem.

The body is meant to move and is wonderfully adaptive. And that’s the thing: adaptation and forcing the body to react to (appropriate levels of) change and stress is paramount to long-term success with LBP.

Sitting on a couch watching Divorce Court in the middle of the day isn’t going to help.

2) Move, But Move Well

I was watching Optimizing Movement with Mike Reinold recently and he noted there are three key elements to movement and why someone may not do it well:

  • Structural Issues
  • Coaching/Technique
  • Programming

It’s important to understand that, in this case, everyone is a unique snowflake.

Structure: Anatomically speaking there is huge variance amongst the population. Hip structure, for example, can have a large effect on someone’s ability to squat to a certain depth or get into certain positions. Likewise, who’s to say the hips are always the culprit? Even upper extremity considerations – like one’s ability to bring their arms overhead (lack of shoulder flexion) – can have dire consequences on back health.

The body likes to use the path of least resistance (also the most efficient) to accomplish any task. However in this case, “most efficient” doesn’t mean best. As Reinold notes:

“Efficient in this case refers to energy, not movement.”

Lack of shoulder flexion will often lead to compensation via more extension through the lumbar spine. It’s efficient movement, but it’s not better movement.

Coaching/Technique: I’m a firm believer that everyone should deadlift (it’s a hip hinge, learning to dissociate hip movement from lumbar movement, doesn’t mean we have to load it), but I don’t feel everyone should do it from the floor or with a straight bar.

Cater the exercise to the lifter, not the lifter to the exercise.

More on this below.

Programming: If someone lacks hip flexion why have them conventional deadlift? If someone lacks shoulder flexion why have them perform overhead pressing or kipping pull-ups? Some of the onus is on YOU, dear fitness professional.


Hell, even something as simple as how you coach a plain ol’ vanilla Prone Bridge/Plank can shed some light here.

What’s the point if the end result looks like this?

Contemporary Woman Doing Plank Exercise

Which brings us to another golden rule.

3) Finding Spinal Neutral (Pain Free ROM) is Kinda Important

In light of a past gem by Dean Somerset on what the term “spinal neutral” even means, I realize this comes with a bit of grain of salt.

I just want to find a pain-free ROM and to help people with low back pain to own that ROM.

It’s the McGill Method 101.

Find what actions hurt or exacerbate symptoms, and stop doing it.

I know I just blew your mind right there.

For example:

1. Client says “x” hurts, and then places their body into some pretzel like contortionist position that would make a Cirque du Soliel performer give them a high-five.

Me: “Um, stop doing that.”

2. But that could also mean addressing how they walk or how they sit in a chair. Someone with flexion-based back pain, will like to be in flexion, a lot.

Maybe taking them through a slump test will offer some pertinent info.

Have them start in a “good” position:


Then, have them purposely “slump” into excessive flexion:


Someone who is flexion intolerant – despite preferring to be in that position – will often say this causes pain.

Ding, ding, ding.

So, the “fix” is to coach them up and try to keep them out of excessive spinal flexion. Cueing them how to sit in their chair and to get up (wider base of support, brace abs, chest up), building spinal endurance (and strength) via planks, and having them hang out in more extension may be the right path to take.


3. On the opposite side of the spectrum is extension, which is often a problem in more athletic populations and in those occupations requiring more standing (ahem: personal trainers/coaches).

Here you might put them into extension and see what happens.


Much like people who are flexion intolerant “liking” flexion, those in excessive extension will like to live in extension.

This will likely hurt.

Finding their spinal neutral is key too.

Hammering spinal endurance/strength via planks (done well) still hits the nail on the head, as does nudging them towards exercises that emphasize posterior pelvic tilt (much of time cuing people NOT to excessively arch during their set up on squats and deadlifts), and even drills that promote spinal flexion…albeit unloaded.



Spinal flexion doesn’t always have to be avoided. In fact, it’s sometimes needed.

Either way, meticulous attention to detail on finding spinal neutral – or pain from ROM – is huge. Once that is addressed, and symptoms has subsided, we can then encourage them to marinate in more amplitude of movement, taking them OUT of spine neutral (cause, it’s gonna happen in everyday life) and use the weight-room to help strengthen those new ROMs.

But I digress.

4) Don’t Treat People Like a Patient

I know this will rub some people the wrong way, but I still use the deadlift for the bulk of people I work with you have LBP.

Nothing sounds so absurd to me than when I hear someone say how the deadlift is ruining everyone’s spines.

To recap:

Deadlift = hip hinge.

Hip Hinge = learning to dissociate hip movement from lumbar movement.

Mic drop.

Resiliency is key in my book. And not many movements make the body more resilient than the deadlift or any properly progressed hip hinge exercise catered to the individual’s goals, injury history, and ability level:


Assuming I have coached someone up enough to understand spinal neutral and they’re able to maintain it, why not poke the bear and challenge them?

A deadlift doesn’t always mean using a straight bar and pulling heavy from the floor until someone shit’s their spleen.

I can use a kettlebell and band to groove the movement:


I can also use a trap bar, which is a more user-friendly way of deadlifting as it allows those with mobility restrictions to get into a better position compared to a straight bar.


Too, I have found great success with various other exercises:

  • Farmer and Suitcase carries
  • Shovel Holds


  •  “Offset” loaded exercises like 1-arm DB presses or 1-arm rows, lunges or RDLs (where you hold ONE DB to the side and perform the exercise). It’s a great way to increase the challenge to the core musculature.
  • Or even outside-the-box exercises like Slideboard Miyagi’s


So long as we’re staying out of precarious positions or those positions which feed into the issue(s) at hand, we’re good.

Find a training effect with your clients/athletes.

Help them find their TRAINABLE MENU.

And That’s That

People have low back pain for a variety of reasons: They’re too tight, too loose, too weak, have poor kinesthetic awareness, or they’re left handed.

The umbrella theme to remember is that there is never ONE root cause or ONE definitive approach to address it across the board. However, that doesn’t mean there aren’t some “big rock” things to consider that will vastly improve your’s and their chances of success.

I hope this helped.

And, again, sorry about the Care Bear comment.

CategoriesAssessment Corrective Exercise

The Peculiar State of Fitness Assessments

NOTE: There’s only a few more days to get my latest continuing education resource – Strategic Strength – at $50 off the regular price. Today’s post discusses one of the main topics covered in the course: Assessment.


People don’t like the feeling of being judged – especially by complete strangers.

However, when it comes to working with a coach or personal trainer for the first time, an “assessment” is pretty much standard procedure; a means to an end with regards to collecting data to better ascertain someone’s starting point.

In Short: An assessment guides the coach to help figure out the safest and most efficient path for a client to reach his or her’s goal(s).[footnote]If at any point a pair of rubber gloves makes an appearance….run. Or not, if that’s your thing. I’m not here to judge.[/footnote]

That being said…I feel many of us are approaching assessment the wrong way.

Copyright: microgen

The Peculiar State of Fitness Assessments

I am not writing this as an attack against assessment

Likewise I am also not here to say one way or the other how you should assess your clients.

You know your clients/athletes better than I do.

I don’t care if your assessment of choice is the Functional Movement Screen, the Selective Functional Movement AssessmentPRI (Postural Restoration Institute), DNS (Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization), FRC (Functional Range Conditioning), whatever institutions like NASM or ACE prefer, or, I don’t know, duck-duck-goose.

Everything has it’s strengths and weaknesses.

More to the point, I would think that as people progress through their careers they’d take it upon themselves to actively change their minds the more they learn and gain experience.

They’ll experiment more and eventually “cherry pick” from several modalities to best fit their philosophy and approach to training.

Ideally “assessment” should be a smorgasbord of reaches, rolls, carries, squats, hinges, toe touches, twists, presses, and bicep curls (<— only half kidding on that last one), among other things.

Here is Gray Cook’s definition of assessment (a good one, mind you):

“In the assessment you take your education background, your professional wisdom, the particular situation, the time constraints, other historical information like a medical history or previous problems…and put all that together. That’s an assessment.”

Pretty hard to disagree with that, right?

Here’s my lame attempt:

“Can the person sitting/standing in front of you do stuff?”

I’m not tossing darts at everyone, but I do find that the bulk of fitness professionals out there use the initial assessment as an opportunity to search every crevasse (not that crevasse, get your mind out of the gutter), nook & cranny, and area of the body for “dysfunction.”

Many use the assessment as an opportunity to demonstrate to someone how much of a walking ball of fail they are.

“Okay Mr. Jones here’s what we got: your hip flexors are tight, you have forward head posture, you lack frontal plane stability, you lack ample scapular upward rotation, your left big toe has zero dorsiflexion, you have weak glutes, you’re quad dominant, your shoulders are slightly internally rotated, you’re probably gluten intolerant, your wife is cheating on you, and I’m about 37% convinced you have cancer.

If you purchase a 24 pack you’ll save $13 per session. Whataya say?”

After all that this will be Mr. Jones:


Some of the above may be relevant and stuff you should focus on as a trainer. I mean, I’m not going to sit here and belabor a coach for wanting to improve a client’s thoracic spine mobility.

However, if I were the person listening to some laundry list of things I suck at or need to improve on, I’d be like………

………..”fuck off.”

Be Careful of Being Told to “Fuck Off”

There’s much I can wax poetic on when it comes to the topic of assessment. My biggest pet-peeve, though, is when coaches/trainers place waaaaaaaaaay too much emphasis on someone’s resting/static posture.

Lets revisit the picture from above.

Many high-end gyms implement this advanced form of “postural assessment” as an up-sell to seduce more people into purchase training.

Said individual stands in front of a giant gridded screen and is then hooked up with a bunch of probes and what not that are placed at strategic locations around the body that bloop and bleep.

It’s reminiscent of one the most terrifying movies I have ever seen, Fire in the Sky.

Remember that one?

You know, that alien abduction movie from the early 90’s where the main character is relentlessly poked and prodded by a bunch of aliens on their spaceship?

It’s terrifying.

Anyway, I can’t help but be reminded of that movie whenever I see someone being told to stand in front of a grid so some trainer can scrutinize every inch of their posture in the hopes they’ll be hired to “fix” it.

Who says it needs to be fixed in the first place?

I’m reminded of a photograph shared by Fort Worth, TX based physical therapist, Dr. Jarod Hall a few years back which hammers home my point.

Here’s what he said/posted:

“I want everybody to look closely at this picture and tell me what you see…”

“I see 20 of the world’s top athletes that have tremendous range of motion, strength, body control, and physical capacity… Yet all have significant variances in their static posture as determined by the holy grail plumb-line.

Static posture is near worthless to measure for injury or pain prediction.”

Placing all your eggs into one basket – in this case static posture, which a lot of fitness professionals do – is unfortunate.

Posture is a Position, It’s Not a Death Sentence

To steal from another really smart physical therapist, Dr. Quinn Henoch, “posture will always be relative to two things:

  • the task at hand
  • and the load

If you’re not taking into consideration those two things during an assessment – in addition to movement, repetition, speed, etc – and you’re only assessing people based off static posture, well, you’re not smart.

The question, then, is….”what should an assessment look like or consist of?


I don’t know.

Like I said…you know your clients better than I do.

I know one thing is for sure: It would behoove any fitness pro to get their clients moving.

I am not saying you shouldn’t take static posture into consideration or that it’s a complete waste of time.

In the end, it’s all information.

However, LOAD is a game changer when it comes to assessment – especially as it relates to movement (and yes, even posture).

Far too many coaches are reticent to load their clients on Day #1.

As an example most people stink at a bodyweight squat, and we’re quick to assign some arbitrary number that they feel ends up defining them.

Add load.

  • Goblet Squat
  • Plate Loaded Front Squat


Invariably there’s almost always a dramatic improvement

Sha-ZAM…you just showed someone success and that they’re not broken.

Now THAT’s an assessment.

Add load. Add variety of movement. Don’t rely solely on static posture to assess your clients.

Just, don’t.

Categoriescoaching psychology

The Story of a Shitty Deadlift Turned State Record

HEADS UP: My newest and latest continuing education resource – Strategic Strength – is now officially available to make out with purchase. It’s on sale all this week at $50 off the regular price.

I hope you’ll check it out. (waves Jedi hand – you WILL check it out).

This is a story about a woman, her deadlifting journey, and how the words we use matter.

Unfortunately there are no dragons involved, but it’s a BALLER tale nonetheless.

It begins in 2019 (remember those carefree days!?!) and takes us all the way to a mere three weeks ago where a Colorado State Record was broken.


Copyright: ammentorp

The Words We Use Matter (again)

To serve as slight prelude, I’d be remiss not to point you in the direction of a blog post I wrote in early 2020 titled The Words We Use Matter.

In it I discuss the often negative connotation the words we use have on the psyche of our athletes/clients.

The best example is the initial assessment/evaluation.

Instead of using it as an opportunity to empower someone and to demonstrate to them what they CAN do, we’ll often use the assessment as an invitation to chop them down a peg or two and hone in on their faults thinking, mistakingly, that by doing so we’ll “woo” them into submission; that the only way they can be “fixed” is by purchasing a 24-pack of sessions.

It’s bullshit.

And we need to do better.

You can read the original post HERE.

It’s relevant because 1) I go into detail on what NOT to do during an assessment in Strategic Strength and 2)  in hindsight the seed(s) of that article were very much planted a year prior, in 2019, at a fitness event I was involved in.

The quick backstory is that I was invited to Colorado Springs to record a webinar at NSCA Headquarters for their 2019 Virtual Personal Trainers Conference.

My presentation was on “Hip Assessment” and how fitness professionals should lean more into the idea of asymmetry (brief take: it won’t kill you) and that it behooves us to take time to better individualize one’s squat and deadlift set-up & execution.

I.e., little tweaks here in there with regards to foot position, stance, or even the variation can go a long ways in helping a lift not only feel better, but feel more stable and powerful too.

Part of my presentation involved taking someone in the audience through a real-time assessment in addition to a technique audit.

Here’s visual proof of the interaction:

That’s me on the left and  Jenny (Stein) on the right – you can check her out on IG HERE), a personal trainer located in Colorado Springs.

If I recall correctly, Jenny volunteered her deadlift because, according to her, “it had never felt great.” So I spent a solid 20-30 minutes taking Jenny through some shenanigans.

She had always performed her deadlifts with a conventional stance (feet closer together, hands just outside the knees) but it had always bothered her back.

So I widened her stance to a modified Sumo stance (pictured above) which allowed her to maintain a more upright torso and placed less shearing on her spine. I then got her to have a better appreciation of what it really feels like to ramp up full-body tension:

  • Finding her hamstrings by experimenting with hip position (up, down, back, forth, BAM, okay, right there).
  • Finding her lats: “squeeze an orange in your armpits.”
  • Having her put more force INTO the ground by PUSHING away from the floor rather than pulling.
  • Connecting the bar to the inner circle of the plates – “taking slack out of the bar.”

All these things helped her stay better engaged and helped her to maintain a neutral spine throughout each rep (no more back rounding).

Was she perfect?


All I was after was “better.”

I kept things positive, focused on the “big rocks,” and tried my best to cement the things that were clicking with her at the moment.

(Another really brief digression: I go into MUCH more detail on ALL OF THE ABOVE in Strategic Strength. Hint, Hint Like, you get to SEE it for yourself).

In all, at the end of the live session, her deadlift felt and looked better, which was a win in my book.

Unbeknownst to me (at the time), during one of the breaks in filming, another male trainer in the audience approached Jenny to make some small talk. He asked her in passing if she had ever deadlifted before?

She said yes, but that she hadn’t a ton of experience.

His response:

“Yeah, those looked pretty shitty.”

What profound feedback!

Fucking asshat.

It was weeks later, when Jenny sent me a message thanking me for the coaching cues I gave her, that she told me about her exchange with the other trainer in attendance.

We had a chuckle about it, and shared a few eye rolls…

…but it made me wonder about this guy’s coaching style. Obviously I have no way of knowing for sure, but if he had such callous and insensitive commentary towards a complete stranger, wasn’t it safe to assume it was more of the same with his own clients as well?

Some people may respond positively to such feedback. In my experience, most would crumble.


The words we use matter.

I mean, what if I had taken the same approach?

Let’s say we had a time machine and went back to my first interaction with Jenny and my initial feedback mirrored his (albeit with a bit more drama):


Sorry Jenny, those looked really shitty. Also, your dog is ugly. Next.”

Chances are I’d have turned Jenny off completely and she never would have pursued training with deadlifts ever again.

Instead, This is What Happened

This is a message I received from Jenny in early 2020:

“Hey Tony!

I’m the girl from the NSCA with the “shitty deadlift.” I wanted to tell you that my ugly deadlift is now 335 pounds and I have entered my first powerlifting competition and may even grab a state record next year.

The time you spent with me that day last year sparked something and it may sound ridiculous, but I don’t know where I would be today without the magical creature called the deadlift. For some reason I felt compelled to share this with you today. What may have seemed ordinary and mundane to you completely changed my life.

Again, probably sounds over-dramatic but I truly mean it. You’re a gem. Keep doing what you do.”



But the story get’s way cooler.

Fast forward through a pandemic.

I received the following message from Jenny in 2021:

“Hi. This real ugly deadlifter now holds a Colorado state record!!!! I of course had to share with you.”

Jenny pulled a whopping 363 lbs and turned her “shitty” deadlift into a state record.

Fast forward another year (three weeks ago):

Jenny pulled 402 lbs in a recent state powerlifting competition, which I believe solidifies her as a bonafide deadlifting badass.

Way to get Jenny! (and fuck you lame trainer guy who probably couldn’t lift this much anyway):


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