I Write Stuff! Sometimes Coherently.

How to Curate A Winning Gym Culture

What separates good gyms or trainers from the mediocre ones? Some would make the case it’s a certain style of training, access to state-of-the-art equipment and amenities, the results their clients/athletes are able to achieve, or even their knowledge on topics like anatomy, assessment, program design, or, I don’t know, long division. Don’t get me […]

What Most People Want When They Hire a Personal Trainer

I’m not an asshole. But I had a real asshole moment recently, and I think it can serve as a teachable moment for many coaches and trainers out there who may be reading. My abject assholiness affected me so much that it prompted me to go stand out on the ledge of a mountain, look […]

Coaching is the Answer: Appearance on the Pursuit of Progress Podcast

For those of you who celebrate it, I hope you have a happy 4th this weekend. Not that it compares to a delicious bbq or fireworks display, but I to help get everyone in the mood I wanted to share my latest media appearance. This time on the Pursuit of Progress Podcast hosted by Joe […]

5 Traits of a Successful Coach

Ask ten different people their opinion on what traits or characteristics make for a great or “successful” coach – in this case strength coach, personal trainer – and you’re bound to get ten different answers and iterations. 5 Traits of a “Successful” Coach Some people will use adjectives like strong, looks the part, experienced, knowledgable, […]

What To Expect In the Gym When You’re Expecting

Note From TG: This is a re-publication (with updated edits/additions) of an article I wrote a few years ago. I figured since I’m currently working with four women at the moment – three in person, and one distance based – who are pregnant, it was something I felt required a little dusting off. Hope you enjoy […]