
How to Get Ripped Abz – Hollywood Style (<----Note the Sarcasm)

Note:  I tried to embed the video, but for some reason I’m having a brainfart this morning and couldn’t figure it out.  To that end, you’ll have to click on the link to see the video.  Trust me, you won’t be disappointed!

It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these types of blog posts, so I figured I’d revisit my old blogging roots and have a little fun today.

I happened to catch this story on the FRONT freakin page of Yahoo last night, and just had to share it with all of you – mainly because I know many of you would appreciate the absolute redunkulousness of it.

Okay, if you can make it through the entire video without:



2. Resisiting the urge to set your face on fire.

You win!


For those who couldn’t make it all the way through, let me recap the entire routine for you:

1. Leg raises — 12 reps, 2 sets each
2. Diagonal isometrics — 3 reps per side, 8 seconds each
3. Breathing exercise 1 — Inhale for 5 seconds and slowly exhale, 3 reps
4. Breathing exercise 2 — While taking quick breaths, tighten, inhale, and exhale, 12 reps
5. Ball crunches — 17 reps

For the record, here are my thoughts on ball crunches.

With that out of the way, I almost feel like this is the type of routine that someone would come up with on a whim.  You know, kind of like when you’re trying to stall someone, but you don’t really know what to say or do, so you just start making stuff up as you go:

“Here, grab this! Swing it around for 37 seconds.  Sing Humpy Dumpty while you do it.   Now, uh, come over here.  Put your hands over your head. Jump up and down on this BOSU ball for 13 minutes and seven seconds .  Feel it?  Okay, so now we’re going to, ummmmm, come over here and blow up these balloons while doing crunches on a stability ball.  68 reps. 

I have a pet Unicorn! Weeeeeeeeeee.”

Seriously, there was absolutely no rhyme or reason to that routine what-so-ever.  How in the hell do you differentiate between exhaling 15% of our air as opposed to 22%??  And, I’m pretty sure that somewhere out there, Dr. Stuart McGill just punched a hole through a wall after watching that disaster.  Worse case scenario, a small piece of his soul just died.  I mean, what ab routine wouldn’t be complete with dedicated TA training and spinal flexion galore – two components of ab training that, coincidentally, Dr. McGill completely poo-poo’s on in both of his books Low Back Disorders and Ultimate Back Fitness and Performance?!

Whatever.  To each his own I guess.  Oh, Hollywood, thanks for the entertainment.


How to Get Ripped Abz – Hollywood Style (

Note:  I tried to embed the video, but for some reason I’m having a brainfart this morning and couldn’t figure it out.  To that end, you’ll have to click on the link to see the video.  Trust me, you won’t be disappointed!

It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these types of blog posts, so I figured I’d revisit my old blogging roots and have a little fun today.

I happened to catch this story on the FRONT freakin page of Yahoo last night, and just had to share it with all of you – mainly because I know many of you would appreciate the absolute redunkulousness of it.

Okay, if you can make it through the entire video without:



2. Resisiting the urge to set your face on fire.

You win!


For those who couldn’t make it all the way through, let me recap the entire routine for you:

1. Leg raises — 12 reps, 2 sets each
2. Diagonal isometrics — 3 reps per side, 8 seconds each
3. Breathing exercise 1 — Inhale for 5 seconds and slowly exhale, 3 reps
4. Breathing exercise 2 — While taking quick breaths, tighten, inhale, and exhale, 12 reps
5. Ball crunches — 17 reps

For the record, here are my thoughts on ball crunches.

With that out of the way, I almost feel like this is the type of routine that someone would come up with on a whim.  You know, kind of like when you’re trying to stall someone, but you don’t really know what to say or do, so you just start making stuff up as you go:

“Here, grab this! Swing it around for 37 seconds.  Sing Humpy Dumpty while you do it.   Now, uh, come over here.  Put your hands over your head. Jump up and down on this BOSU ball for 13 minutes and seven seconds .  Feel it?  Okay, so now we’re going to, ummmmm, come over here and blow up these balloons while doing crunches on a stability ball.  68 reps. 

I have a pet Unicorn! Weeeeeeeeeee.”

Seriously, there was absolutely no rhyme or reason to that routine what-so-ever.  How in the hell do you differentiate between exhaling 15% of our air as opposed to 22%??  And, I’m pretty sure that somewhere out there, Dr. Stuart McGill just punched a hole through a wall after watching that disaster.  Worse case scenario, a small piece of his soul just died.  I mean, what ab routine wouldn’t be complete with dedicated TA training and spinal flexion galore – two components of ab training that, coincidentally, Dr. McGill completely poo-poo’s on in both of his books Low Back Disorders and Ultimate Back Fitness and Performance?!

Whatever.  To each his own I guess.  Oh, Hollywood, thanks for the entertainment.