CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 4/14/17

Lets get right to the chase shall we?

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Stuff to Check Out Before You Read Stuff

1.  The Cutest Pic Ever. EVER!

After a hectic travel schedule the past two weeks it’s been a comedy of errors in trying to catch up on work, emails, programs, articles to write, sleep.

I had every intention of writing more content for the site this week, but life got in in the way. Namely, this little Gremlin:

But how can I be mad at that?

So freakin cute.1

2) Strong Body-Strong Mind – Toronto

Lisa and I are happy to announce we’re bringing back our Strong Body-Strong Mind workshop.

Last year we had the privilege of presenting together in Austin, TX and London, UK, and we’re elated to be heading to Toronto, Ontario to pick up where we left off.

In a nutshell I speak to a little assessment talk, program design, and breaking down technique on a few common lifts such as the squat, deadlift, get-up, and blindfolded chainsaw juggling, and Lisa speaks to more of the mindset side of the equation and how we can help build better rapport and “buy in” with our clients/athletes.

For more information and to sign up, please go HERE.

3) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint – Orlando

Our Vancouver shindig in April sold out, but Dean and I have recently announced a stop in Orlando, FL later this year, October 21-22nd at Spark Fitness.

I’ve never been to Orlando. There’s no way in hell I’m visiting Disney World.

You can go HERE for more details and to sign up.

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work

How to Build a Stubborn-Ass Muscle – T-Nation

Calves, traps, pecs, tibilias anterior, we all have stubborn areas of our bodies we’d like to make more jacked.

In this compilation article I was fortunate enough to help contribute to, seven amazing coaches chime in on how they were able to bust through a growth or strength plateau.

Flat vs. Round Back Deadlift – Adam Pine

Adam is one of the best deadlifters I have ever seen in person. He knows a thing or two about picking things up off the ground. I enjoyed this article/video; especially the part breaking down advantages/disadvantages of flat vs. round back deadlifts.

The Easiest Nutrition Fix for Fat Loss – Ashleigh Kast

I like to keep things simple.

This is simple.

Social Media Shenanigans



Lisa representing her Cut the S#!t Get Fit tshirt courtesy of @rafmatuszewski. No surprise, she busts it out on bench day.

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