Categoriespodcast Stuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 9/23/16

It’s a HUGE fitness industry weekend this weekend in Boston. For starters the Cressey Sports Performance Fall seminar is going down, which is always an industry gold standard. In addition, lead unicorns Mark Fisher and Michael Keeler, of Mark Fisher Fitness, will be at AMP Fitness to put on their Inside the Unicorn 2-day workshop.

I basically ended up flipping a coin as to which one I was going to attend this weekend. The unicorns won.1

Needless to say many a fitness pro are making their way to Boston this weekend, and I suspect the likelihood of a dead-animal flesh shortage to be pretty high.

Also, and forgive me for the lame transition here, before I jumped into this week’s list of stuff to read I wanted to remind everyone that Dean Somerset and I will be in Minneapolis, MN the weekend of October 15th putting on our Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint workshop.


We’ll be at Movement Minneapolis and you can find out more details HERE. Hope to see you there.

NYC – Brian Patrick Murphy

Brian Patrick Murphy (or BPM) is a rare human being. Never have I met someone who is so genuine and full of zest than he. He’d hug everyone’s heart if he could.

It’s really hard – like, really hard – in our current political and social chaos (for lack of a better term) to remember that we’re all “in this” together, and that there is much more good and decency in this world than vitriol and hate.

This was a nice reminder of that. Thank you BPM.

UGH I Am So Fat – Kelly Coffey

I love how this woman thinks (and writes). Thanks for writing this Kelly.

Align Therapy Podcast – Aaron Alexander

I had the pleasure of being invited onto the Align Therapy Podcast with Aaron Alexander recently. If you’re bored at work today or maybe need something to drown out a certain orange skinned Presidential candidate, give THIS a listen….;o)