
The Mind Muscle Project

If you’re at work today doing nothing but counting down the hours till Friday, or need something to detract your attention from throwing a stapler into your co-workers face, may I suggest my appearance on The Mind Muscle Project – Australia’s #1 health/fitness podcast.

Hosts Lachy and Raph invited me onto the show a few weeks ago, which at first was a bit intimidating because 1) it’s an Australian show, and who the hell is this Tony Gentilcore dude? and 2) they’re very much involved in the CrossFit community and I’ve never even attempted a kipping pull-up.

As it happened, I was one of the rare NON-CrossFit’centric guests they’ve invited onto the show.

Too, I’m an American (who has visited Australia1) who pronounces Woolloomooloo (<– a neighborhood of Sydney) like an American.

You need to listen to the start of the podcast to get the joke.

Nevertheless, my initial “stage fright” was quickly extinguished once the fellas and I started chatting. And we chatted about a number of things: warm-ups, assessment, my qualms with CrossFit, shoulder shenanigans, and I probably referenced a kangaroo or two.

You can listen on iTunes HERE (Episode #76) or HERE if you’re not on iTunes.

(NOTE: fast forward to the 7:45 mark for the start of the interview)