Hey, Mother Earth, just a reminder it’s Spring here in New England…you can quit it with the 30 degree weather now.
Lets get to this week’s shenanigans.

1. Coaching Competency: DC
Spots are still available for my Coaching Competency workshop in Sterling, VA in a few weeks.
For $129 you get to hang out with me for seven hours, talk about assessment, program design, deadlifts, and LOLCat memes. This event has been approved for CEUs via the NSCA.
Go HERE for full details.
2. Strong Body-Strong Mind – Bonn, Germany
My wife and I will be in Bonn, Germany on Saturday, June 30 to put on our 1-day Strong Body-Strong Mind workshop.
I’ll be speaking to assessment, coaching up common strength exercises (squats, deadlifts), and how to better “match” your programs to your client’s abilities and goals.
Lisa will be discussing how to better manage client expectations, motivation, and how to adopt better mindset strategies for success.
And then we’ll have a beer….;o)
Spots are limited and the Early Bird rate is still in effect (but not for long).
For more details (including itinerary and registration) go HERE.
3. 2-Day London Workshop w/ Luke Worthington
After my workshop in Germany I head over to London to take part in a 2-day event (the weekend of July 7th) with my friend and colleague (and handsomest man alive) Luke Worthington.
This one is filling up fast…..go HERE for more info.
4. Appearance on the Fitness Marketing Alliance Podcast w/ Eric Malzone
Stuff To Read While You’re Pretending To Work
The Trainable Exercise Menu – Chris Chase
I first heard Chris use the phrase “trainable menu” on Mike Robertson’s podcast a year or two ago and immediately wanted to make out with it.
It’s 100% in line with my own coaching philosophy in that you can ALWAYS train around an injury. As a coach/trainer focus more on what your clients can do – their trainable menu – and less on what they can’t.
Cliques, Controversies and Combativeness: Some Thoughts For Angry Coaches – Brett Bartholomew
“Why do so many coaches act like grumpy old men these days? Factions, disputes and cliques abound; but we are the ones telling our athletes that THEY need to learn how to be better leaders?”
What To Do When the Barbell Won’t Budge – Lisbeth Darsh
Lisbeth wrote this in the latter part of last year (August) but my assistant sent it to me the other day for consideration for this week’s list.
It’s excellent with a very sage message.
Social Media Shenanigans
Was asked by someone why I, a strength coach, hire my own coach to write my programs? 1. I hate the mental gymnastics of writing my own programs. 2) Accountability. 3) Because if I didn’t it would be “deadlift and bi’s day” everyday.
— Tony Gentilcore (@tonygentilcore1) April 4, 2018