CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: OMG THE RED SOX ARE WORLD CHAMPS Edition

Hooooooooooooley sheeeeit. What a night.

For those living underneath a rock:  the Boston Red Sox won the World Series last night.  I’ve been staying up late for the past week watching every pitch of the series, and it all ended last night with Sox closer Koji Uehara striking out the Cardinals’ Shane Robinson and then me seemingly high-fiving everything within a two block radius of living room.

Lisa sleeping in bed?  You better believe it (and, sorry babe).

A few random strangers outside of my apartment. A little awkward, but yep!

My toaster oven?  Hell, why not?

Our place is actually about 1.5 miles away from Fenway Park and Kenmore Square and I was half tempted to make the trek down and partake in the shenanigans, but then realized I’d have a better shot at riding a magical unicorn to work than having any chance of sniffing the ballpark last night.  The city had that place on lockdown after the fact, and I can’t say that I blame them.

Thankfully, though, I haven’t heard any stories this morning of rioting, vandalism or debauchery…..only a peppering of arrests.

So now the city is set to celebrate another Red Sox championship……and it’s going to be the balls.

Speaking of balls…..

11 Ways to Live Your Life With Balls – Chris McCombs

Chris is a fantastic writer and is just on another level.  The title is self-explanatory and I highly suggest you give it a read.

Heart of the Matter: Dietary Villains – ABC Television

I thought this was an absurdly accurate report on cholesterol, saturated fat and the batshit craziness that STILL surrounds their demonization.

It’s no secret that I feel we (as in the public) have long been misled when it comes to the real players behind heart disease.  If you have 25-30 minutes to spare I can’t encourage you enough to watch this video.

Embrace the Suck  – Chris Shugart

Sometimes things need to suck, I mean really suck, in order see the light at the end of the tunnel.  I think the last line of the article spells the message out:

Every reward, every achievement lies on the other side of the suck. You face the suck. You accept it. Then you start throwing elbows.