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Day 15: The Best Copenhagen Day Ever!

pic of us at the palace

Day 15: The Best Copenhagen Day Ever!

I didn’t really sleep.

There were a number of young and drunk people yelling and chanting early 2000’s hip hop outside of our hotel window.

Tony didn’t hear it because:

  1. He is the best sleeper on earth
  2. He wears earplugs, which worked out to be smart in this situation.

Anywho, once we were up Tony thought we should just go for it and get the breakfast in the hotel. It was cold cuts and yogurt and toast and the worst coffee in America… oops… sorry… the worst coffee in Denmark.

So I had muesli with hot water and shitty coffee, but we did what we needed to do and got up out of there to enjoy the day!

We rented some bikes (with a handy GPS attached!)

Bike Rental

And made our way over to one of the castles.

Rosenborg Slot

Afterward, we were wandering around and stumbled upon a fabulous market!

Called Torvehallerne, this public space was filled with beautiful produce, funky and fabulous food and drinks, skincare, and all kinds of fun! Here’s a pic:

Torv Market (before lunch)

And HERE’s the website (in case of you randomly being in Copenhagen).

We decided to come back at lunchtime.

But first, to the Round Tower! Built in the 17th century to be used as an astronomical observatory, our tour also included the attached chapel and library hall.

Here’s the beautiful chapel:

Round Tower Chapel

And here’s the super cool winding hall up to the top of the tower! (Please notice Tony being silly/creepy over there in the corner).

Round Tower hall with creepy tony

Atop the tower was the observatory, with a great view of the city:

Us on top of tower

Then it was time for lunch! Tony hit up an “egg wrap”, which is basically super thin yet large omelet that functions as a wrap for veggies and other goodness. I had a salad from this place called “Paleo”. Check it!

Pic of lunch

Tony wanted a bit of dessert afterward, and he stumbled upon the bakery Nazi – AKA Café Rosa.

Rosa was not playing any games, and made it clear that we were interrupting her baking by asking for Tony’s carrot cake – but it was worth it!

pic of tony's lunch dessert 1

Once we were all finished with the market, we hopped back on some bikes, and cycled our way over to the Royal Palace. I risked my life while riding to show you how awesome and bike friendly Copenhagen really is! There’s Tony up ahead:

pic of tony riding

And here we are once we arrived at the Palace:

pic of us at the palace

By this point, we were both feeling Copenhagen.

Staff at the front desk of our hotel told us that more than 50% of the city’s population rides a bike, but that seemed like an underestimate to us. There were HUGE bike lanes everywhere, special traffic signals, specifically for bikes, and very patient easy-going drivers, who seemed used to bikers being everywhere.

Bikers in mini skirts.

Bikers drinking a coffee (or beer) while riding with one hand.

Bikers chatting, listening to music, and so on and so forth. It was very fantastic!

For example, here is one of many bike parking lots, sitting just outside a little café where I grabbed a coffee:

bikes from coffee shop window

We returned our bikes (there are little stations to return the bikes all over the city) and wandered around in the city for a bit. When we came upon Nyhavn:

Pic of Nyhavn

It was high time for another dessert, and Tony wanted a repeat of the amazing Belgian waffle a la mode that Travis’ wife Amanda introduced him to the day before! Here it is:

Tony with waffle

Then, upon another of Travis and Amanda’s recommendations, we jumped on a boat tour of Copenhagen. It was fabulous! Here are some highlights:

Pic 4 of boat tour

pic 5 of boat tour

We even got to see the famed Little Mermaid statue:

pic 3 of boat tour

It was a fabulous way to see the city and hear little facts about different buildings and neighborhoods:

Once off the boat, we decided to walk around to the “other” side of Copenhagen, and check out “Christiania” – the hippie town with a reputation for an amazing street food extravaganza:

pic of papiroen

It was a long walk, but completely gorgeous. Walking from one side of the city to the other from 5:00pm to about 6:30pm meant that we were accompanied by hundreds of city-dwellers afoot and on bikes, leaving work and heading over for some amazing street food (and drinks).

Let me just tell you, the walk was worth it!

Inside street food 1

inside street food 2

After we did a lap and made a thorough assessment of our options, I grabbed a local beer from a microbrewery, and Tony grabbed some pizza:

tony eating pizza

For our second course, we hit up a Brazilian place and got the “mixed grill”, which involves our favorite: meat and veggies:

Lisa and Street Food Copenhagen

food from brazilian place

To wrap it all up, we decided to have an open-faced little sandwich with tenderloin, onions, and a bit of pickle:

pic of sandwich

That was our favorite, and came from this little gem, called Handmade:


We were full, and weary, after an amazing day! We decided to bike home, since we needed to get clear across the city. Here’s Tony heading over to our bikes for the Trek home:

Tony walking to bikes

It was a beautiful, and an epic way to end the perfect day. Awesome sunset, easy biking, and happy people everywhere, getting their weekend started:

bike ride home

We were so sad the day was over!

It may have been our best.

We quickly washed up and passed out! Tomorrow, we start the long journey home… talk to you then!

Love Lisa (and Tony).

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Day #14: Stockholm to Copenhagen

Note From Lisa: Sorry this is a day late! Tony and I had such an amazing last day in Copenhagen that once we got back to our hotel it was time for bed. More to come soon.

Day 14: Stockholm to Copenhagen

God Morgon!

Tony and I were up, packed, and ready to head to the train bright an early. We made our way back to Central Station, and looked around for some breakfast.

Usually I try to be a sport, but I could not bring myself to eat another creamy sandwich. I probably drove Tony crazy, walking into and back out of a dozen little cafes – but each time I tried to accept the present moment and just grab a sandwich, I couldn’t do it!

I left Tony with his turkey sandwich, protein bars, and sugar-free monster on the platform, and went in search of a “real” breakfast (sorry if that sounds obnoxious and American!).

I found a grocery store with non-dairy milk! I literally almost jumped up and down. Grabbing the coconut milk, I made my way back to a café where I got myself a coffee.

Once on board, our train left promptly at 8:20 am, and I enjoyed my coffee while Tony had his Monster. Afterward, I used my cup as a bowl, grabbed a spoon from the “bistro” on the train, and fished the oats and awesome Czech granola out of our luggage!!! Here’s my do-it-yourself American breakfast:

Breakfast on train

The train was much more crowded today – and much faster. In retrospect, I see that Oslo is a quieter, smaller, slower city than Stockholm. The Swedish capital is more metropolitan… cosmopolitan.

So the passengers reflected that. And the views were beautiful:

View from train to Copenhagen

Today is an exciting day; not just because we’re going to Copenhagen, but because we’re meeting up with one of Tony’s oldest friends!

Travis and Tony became friends after their senior year in high school, and played on a summer baseball team together. Travis now lives with his wife Amanda in Sweden, a bit outside of Copenhagen, and they made the trip into the city to hang out with us! Here’s the reunion:

Travis at Copenhagen

Another pic of Travis and Tony

We made the trek from the station to our hotel, which is… interesting.

Called the Cabinn Scandanavia, the rooms are like Cabins… on a cruise ship. So our room looked like a 3-level cruise ship Cabin, and I hated it. Take a look:

Cabinn Scandanavia 1

Cabinn Scandanavia 2

The toilet is in the shower. There are three levels of beds. So we dropped our shit off, and got up out of there!

Travis, Amanda, Tony and I ran around in Copenhagen for the afternoon. We stopped for a drink in the harbor (Nyhavn) and watched the characters enjoy their ice cream and beers and whatever else they wanted:

Drink in the Harbor

Amanda also introduced us to a Belgian waffle with ice cream on top. Tony’s favorite so far! Check it:

Waffle 1

Waffle 2

Did you know that you can drink anywhere you want in Copenhagen?

Plenty of cafes have “To-Go” beers and cocktails. Travis surprised us with some fruity cider from 7 Eleven, to enjoy while we roamed… here’s Tony (who is this guy?!) enjoying his blueberry cider while taking in the sites:

Street Drinking

After lots of walking and shopping, we went to Sushi n’ Sticks for dinner! Here we are at the bar:

pic of all at dinner

And here’s our awesome food:

pic of dinner

After dinner we walked Travis and Amanda halfway back to the train station. Then, realizing we didn’t have a map or GPS capability, we hugged goodbye and walked back to our cruise ship Cabin.

Nothing exciting is happening there!1

Walk to you soon, after a sleep and getting up out of the hotel room!

Lisa (and Tony)