CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff To Read While You’re Pretending To Work: 12/2/16

Lets talk movies for a second. Because, why not?

Copyright: dolgachov / 123RF Stock Photo


We’re smack dab in the middle of the time of year where most of the studios release their “Oscar bait” movies, and there’s still a ton of them I need to see. My current “to see” list includes:

  • Manchester By the Sea
  • Moonlight
  • Denial
  • Jackie
  • Allied
  • Sharknado 17
  • Elle
  • Fences

Anyone reading see anything listed? Thoughts? I was reflecting, though, on what have been my favorite movies I’ve seen so far this year?

In no particular order: Hell or High Water, Arrival, Green Room, Jason Bourne, Morris From America, Sully, Don’t Breath, The Invitation, and, while I haven’t seen it yet, do you really think I’m not going to put Rogue One on this list?1


What are some of your favorites you’ve seen in 2016? Looking forward to anything in particular?

Stuff to Check Out Before You Read Stuff

1. I’ve been really enjoying the Complete Guide to Training the Female Athlete. As noted in yesterday’s interview with one of the coaches involved, Adam Feit, there aren’t many resources out there dedicated to the female athlete, so it’s been refreshing (and, admittedly, eye opening: there’s a lot of cool stuff in there) to dive in.


If you’re someone who works with female athletes you’d be crazy not to give this resource your attention. It’s currently on sale for $100 off the regular price. Check it out HERE.

2. I’m attempting to start the process of planning my 2017 travel schedule. I’ve had a few people reach out expressing interest in inviting me to their location to put on a workshop. There’s a slight monkey-wrench coming to fruition this coming January with a baby on the way, but I still have every intention of traveling if or when the opportunity presents itself.

So, whether you’re looking for a Tony G show, a Tony + Dean (Somerset) event, or even a Tony + Lisa shindig (Strong Body-Strong Mind), please shoot me an email.

3. I wrote what I think is a pretty good article for Men’s Health recently on mistakes a lot of people make with fat-loss programs.

In short: they should be called MUSCLE-RETENTION programs. You can check that out HERE.

4. Anthony Renna invited me onto his new Stop and Give Me 20 Podcast. Short and sweet (and awesome).

Give it a listen HERE.

Lets get to this week’s list.

10 Things I Learned in 10 Years as a Kettlebell Instructor – Dan Cenidoza

Even if kettlebells aren’t your bag, you’ll still gain a lot of insights from this article.

What You Need to Know About Your Athletic Daughter – Mary Kate Feit

A sorta “PSA” geared towards parents who are on the fence about their young daughters lifting weights or doing anything in the gym that doesn’t involve an elliptical machine.

The Ultimate Guide to Landmine Presses – Nick Tumminello

I always love Nick’s perspective and innovative way of thinking. I wish my brain worked like his.

Social Media Highlights



My fitness roots. In the summer of 1996, after my freshman year of college, I came home for summer break and was pumped to hear that a gym opened up in my hometown of Groton, NY. Prior to that the only access to weights I had was my high school’s gym that was more or less a dungeon. The Groton Fitness Center was my first gym home and foray into expanding my fitness horizons. I remember picking the brains of the older jacked guys who trained there, one of which told me to start putting raw eggs into my protein shakes. I totally did it. It was also the place where I was introduced to EDM. One of the bodybuilders who trained there listened to it when he worked out, and I always made sure to workout at the same time. This is where Tony’s Techno Tuesdays began. You’re welcome @cresseysportsperformance. It was also the gym where I’d perform all the programs I’d come across. In many ways it was the place that allowed me to plant the seeds of what I was to become as a fitness professional. Lots of personal history happened passed that red door you see in the picture. It was such a treat to stop by today to get a lift in and to reminisce. I’m sure many of you also have a sacred gym space you adore. I hope you do.

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