CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 7/7/17

So excited to head down to DC tomorrow to visit some old friends. Lisa and I should be able to actually board the plane this time with Julian.1

I’ve got a lot of entrepreneurial shenanigans to take care, not to mention packing, before we leave…so lets get right to this week’s list of stuff to read.

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1. Strong Body-Strong Mind – Boston

I’m really excited to announce the Strong Body-Strong Mind Workshop, coming to Boston (finally!) later this summer.

The idea is simple: there’s a corner in the industry that’s underserved….mental skills.

There are a lot of people out there who write about “mindset” and describe themselves as mindset coaches (whatever the heck that means) who, by and large, have zero academic background in that department.

Lisa, SPOILER ALERT: she’s my wife, went to school for that shit.

I went to school to help turn people into badasses.

So, why not combine the two?

Lisa can speak to building competency and discussing how to build the skills to develop rapport with clients. I can speak to getting people bigger, stronger, and faster.

Strong Body-Strong Mind = see you there? Here’s the itinerary2

To purchase you can go HERE.3

2) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint – Orlando

Our Vancouver shindig in April sold out, but Dean and I have recently announced a stop in Orlando, FL later this year, October 21-22nd at Spark Fitness.

I’ve never been to Orlando. There’s no way in hell I’m visiting Disney World.

You can go HERE for more details and to sign up.

3. Stuff I Was Sent, Thought Was Cool, and Thought You’d Want to Check It Out

One of the best things about this site, outside of my uncanny wit and LOLcat memes, is the fact I get offers for people to send me free shit. Many offers I respectively decline as I feel it wouldn’t be a good fit for my audience.

NOTE TO AUDI: Sending me a free car would TOTALLY be a good fit. Just sayin.

But every now and then I get sent stuff that’s pretty dope. Like….

**FYI: I receive zero kickback from recommending the following products.

Jabra Elite Sport Headphones

  • They’re wireless – like, for real. ZERO wires
  • They sound amazing, and more importantly stay in your ears.
  • And they do fancy shit, like track your heart-rate via the integrated fitness app, in addition to providing audio coaching during your workouts (if you so choose).4

I tried them out during a recent squat workout and they worked superbly. Likewise, my wife, Lisa, who’s a headphone snob looooooooves them. They’re basically hers now.

Olivers All-Over Shorts

If you’re looking for a pair of shorts that you can wear during a brutal deadlift session or CrossFit class and/or showoff at the next Catalina Wine Mixer…these are it.

Equal parts athletic and classy.

Stuff To Read

Will Aspartame Kill You? No, DumbassPhysiqonomics

Science, humor, AND a cornucopia of f-bombs? Best…..article…..ever.

The Squat and Athletic Development – How We’ve All Been F*cking It Up – JL Holdsworth

This article ruffled some feathers, but I encourage everyone to read it, and take from it what you will.

It’s just information. Really, really good information…….but information nonetheless.

Stuff I Love: Landmines – 9 Legit Reasons They’re no Gimmick – Dave Thomas

One of the best articles on the landmine I have read in a while. Very informative and entertaining with tons of great ideas.

Social Media Shenanigans



A better way to coach (or “scale”) the 1-Legged RDL or hip hinge. Top video is a dumpster fire. Majority of movement is coming via lower back and bending from the waist. This is what many look like when performing the movement. Bottom video: 1) think “soft knee.” 2) at first I like to have people bend their non-supporting leg so as to decrease the lever and make the movement a little cleaner. As someone gets more comfortable and proficient we can then make the movement harder by straightening out the leg. Until then it’s likely best for most people to bend their knee 90 degrees. 3) encourage a reach by reaching arms towards wall in front. This serves as a counterbalance. 4) another nice cue is to tell people their hips are headlights. They should stay parallel to floor the entire time (this keeps the hips from teeter-tottering side to side). 5) lastly, movement should come via the hip and not lower back. Give those suggestions & cues a try and see if they work for you.

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Stuff To Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 6/21/12

So the last two days I’ve put up some rather lengthy blogs – one over 2000 words, and the other just a shade over 1000, which by blogging standards is a lot.  Especially when you consider that many of the “experts” will tell you that the ideal word count for a post should be anywhere from 600-800 words.

I woke up this morning and knew I had to hunker down and write several programs and wasn’t quite sure whether or not I’d be motivated to do any writing.  As it turns out, my assumption was correct.  Instead I tried to occupy myself with more productive things such as piling all the coasters, organizing my DVD collection, and trying to eat a potato chip without chewing on it, which is actually more difficult than it sounds.

Above all else, it’s freaking gorgeous outside and I’d much rather be outside enjoying the nice weather than sitting here tapping away on a keyboard.

To that end, I’m bidding everyone a fair farewell today and leaving you with some cool stuff to read.

Beautiful Badass Pillars – The Simple, No Nonsense Guide to Being a Beautiful Badass – Nia Shanks

Whenever it comes to women and training, I often defer to Nia, and this post is the reason why.  She just “gets it.”

I particularly love her thoughts on isolation exercises. You know, things like isolation bicep curls, tricep kickbacks, and the like.  Whenever I work with a woman and she starts asking me if or when we’ll start including some direct arm work into the mix I point out two things:

1.  Chin-up variations and row variations will usually be all the “direct” arm work one will ever need.

2.  If she can’t perform at least two (un-assisted) chin-ups and/or ten clean push-ups, then we’re not going to waste our time with trivial exercises.

Sure there’s a time and place for them, but as Nia points out……you have to EARN the isolation exercises.

Fillers: Pairing Strength and Mobility – Todd Bumgardner

This was the feature article over on yesterday, and I thought it was fantastic.

A large portion of my talk last weekend in Toronto dealt with this whole notion of fillers and how integral they can be in terms of covering or “corrective exercise” bases.

Here, Todd does an awesome job showing the reader how to implement them into one’s programming and offers a lot of cool variations to boot.

9 Deadlift Corrections to a Safer and Stronger Life – Dave Thomas

This article has been all over Facebook and Dave actually sent me a note saying how I was a huge inspiration for him writing this article.

It goes without saying that I love anything and everything deadlifts, so it should come as no surprise when I say I read this and immediately peed myself a little.

This one definitely receives the Tony G seal of approval.

Check em out, and let me know that you liked them!. Show the authors some props as well!