
The Athletic Shoulder Workshop in Frisco, TX

I’ve been fortunate enough in recent years to have the opportunity to do more traveling for both business and pleasure…oftentimes combining the two.

Upon being told by my wife that we’ll be making the trek down to Dallas, TX to visit family for Christmas, I asked if she’d be cool if I put out a few “feelers” to see if there’d be any interest from local facilities in me doing a 1-day workshop in the area.

Frisco, TX won1.

When I say “Frisco won” lets implement a bit of expectation management here.

Unfortunately this isn’t one of those surreal Oprah moments where I walk down the street and scream, “You get a car, you get a car, and YOU get a car2.”

Nope. Instead you get an entire day of me talking about shoulder assessment, program design, and at least 1,078 references to Star Wars.

NOTE: the workshop will take place three days after having watched Star Wars: The Force Awakens, so don’t be surprised if I show up dressed as an Ewok, a Storm Trooper, or Han Solo. I haven’t decided yet.

The Deets

Date: Sunday, December 27th.

Where: Full Throttle Athletics, located in Frisco, TX.

Time: 9-5 (with an hour for lunch and mechanical bull riding. Clothing optional).

Cost: $99 Early Bird rate until December 1st, and $129 thereafter.

It was important to make this event something that would be affordable given the time of year, and considering you’re going to be able to hang out with me for eight hours it’s pretty much a win-win.

Sign-Up: All you have to do is go HERE and you’re all set.


Hope to see you there.