
Coaching For Introverts and Prepping For Life’s Dumpster Fires

Copyright: forestrun

Appearance on the Future of Fitness Podcast

One of my favorite people in the world is Eric Malzone. I mean, he’s a really good friend, so of course it makes sense he’s ranked high on that list.

Somewhere lodged between my wife, my kid, and Jason Bourne.

Eric’s a great coach, and he works with a litany of other fitness professionals on how to grow & build their respective businesses and brands. He also runs a very popular podcast, one of which I’ve been invited on as a guest several times.

In my latest appearance he and I discuss how being an introvert in the coaching industry can be an asset, but needs some slightly different approaches. We also talk about sawing a couch in half and when life serves up hot dumpster fires.

You know, the normal podcast stuff.

Check it out:

iTunes – HERE.

Spotify – HERE.

Stitcher – HERE.