
This is Why My Job Doesn’t Suck

Like most people, at times, I work way too much.  A typical day for me starts between 5-6 AM where I wake up and spend the majority of my morning writing programs, answering emails, catching up onsome writing, and maybe reading a few blogs here and there.

I then drive to the facility, get my lift on, and spend the rest of the day helping people achieve a higher level of ridiculawesomeness than what they had prior to walking in.

I’m loading an un-loading plates, putting chains on people’s backs, demonstrating exercises, taking people through their warm-ups, performing assessments, and basically running around like a chicken with its head cut off for the entire day – it’s non-stop.

At the end of the day, I drive home, and much to my girlfriend’s chagrin, I spend the next hour or two before bed writing more programs, answering emails, and pretending to listen to her as she quote-on-quote, “tells me about her day.”  Just kidding, babe – I TOTALLY listen.  No, really, I do!  Remember that thing you were telling me about where what’s-her-face was driving to that place?  Hahahahahaha.  That was hilarious!  I’m in the doghouse aren’t I?

Anyways, while it’s not uncommon for me to be working six (sometimes seven) days per week, it’s things like the video below – made by Chad “Dragon” Rodgers of the Atlanta Braves and Matt “Scorpion” Kramer of the Boston Red Sox that only reaffirm why my job kicks your job’s ass: