CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 7/25/14

Going to keep this short and sweet today, because 1) I’m itching to get to the gym to conquer some squats (squats = gainz!) and 2) I’ve got a few deadlines this afternoon I need to meet.  Also 3) #myeditorsaregoingtokillme

Oh, and just a heads up to everyone checking in today.  I rarely do this but I’m going to be posting an EPIC bonus blog on Sunday written by Neghar Fonooni whom I highlighted as one of my “go to” sources for female fitness last week.

It’s titled A Woman’s Journey of Strength and I feel it’s something that’s going to resonate with a lot of people, especially women.  I’ll be tossing up a notice on social media (Facebook, Twitter) this weekend, but on the off chance you don’t follow me on either of the two*, this will serve as your nudge to check in.

And on that note, here’s some stuff to read.

Price of the Platform – Bryan Krahn

Easily one of the best articles I’ve read this year.  Kudos to Bryan (and those interviewed) for being so forthright and honest

4 of the Biggest Quacks Plaguing America with False Claims About Science – Cliff Weathers

I’ll admit the title is a bit sensationalistic but it’s spot on.

10 Principles for Better Programming – Charles Staley

It’s not the sexiest article ever written on programming, but then again….since when does anything related to program design need to be sexy?

I love to keep things simple and this article is right on point with that philosophy. Loved this one by Coach Staley.

* = Oh, I see how it is.  When you want something you’re all like “hey baby, I love you.”  But the second I ask for something you can’t be bothered.  Whatever.  YOU’RE RUINING MY LIFE!!!!!!!