
Forks Over Knives

A friend of mine emailed me yesterday and gave me a link to this trailer (seen below) which apparently was shown on The Dr. Oz Show recently.  I don’t have television, so I had no idea that this movie was being made, but after watching the trailer myself like ten minutes ago, I’m pretty fired up about it.

Piggy backing on the heels of books like In Defense of Food and The Omnivore’s Dilemma (both fantastic books written by Michael Pollan), as well as the documentary Food Inc. (which features Pollan, and, coincidentally, was the movie I took my girlfriend to on our second date – who says romance is dead), I have to say that I really, really, REALLY love the fact that more of the mainstream media is starting to get involved with sending out a more “truthier” message about the food industry.  More to the point, is the fact that people are starting to WAKE UP and finally realizing that what they put down their pie holes on a daily basis is literally killing them.

I mean, look at us.  It’s not uncommon for someone to be taking upwards of ten pills a day to treat their diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, depression, anemia, impotence, blahbiddy blah blah blah.  You name the symptom, and there’s a pill you can take to relieve it.  That is, of course, until you need to take yet another pill to counteract the side-effects of the first one.

Hey, I have an idea – how about you stop eating an entire bag of Doritoes for breakfast?

And, if this isn’t a cause for change I don’t know what is:  I was walking through a clothing store the other day and saw that they were selling XXXL pants.  Jesus, what’s next, size SUV?

Who’s to blame, though?  Is it the government who, in all their infinate wisdom, continue to spew out archaic jargon like saturated fat is bad, despite no definitive research to back it up?  Or, is it us, who continue to play the ignorant card?  I mean, if we’re really honest with ourselves, we know that a french fry really isn’t a vegetable, right?

It’s gotten really bad, and it’s no wonder that many experts are predicting that OBESITY is going to soon take over as our #1 cause of (PREVENTABLE) death – and this isn’t even taking into account the insurmountable burden that all of this has on the healthcare system.

Nonetheless, Forks Over Knives, I hope, will continue to spead the message that people need to start taking more of a proactive role in their own health.  I know for those reading, this is more like I’m preaching to the choir – but do yourself (and your family, friends, and colleagues who don’t know any better) a favor, and force them to go see this documentary.  It may very well save their lives.

UPDATE:  I didn’t notice it the first time around, but after watching the trailer again, I get the funny feeling that they may be attempting to drive people towards veganism/no-meat diet – which, if that’s the case, I’m going to light my face on fire.  As Roland, notes in the comments section:

Did you see Rip Esselstyn in there, author of the Engine 2 Diet? Vegan, low fat…

Uh oh – major Red Flag.   At the very least, however, I’m hoping that people will start to see the bigger picture here.  We shall see……