
How to Read Fitness Research

In an age when anyone with a digital camera, a Youtube page, and a personal training certificate they purchased online for four easy payments of $19.99 can market themselves as a “fitness professional,” it’s becoming increasingly clear that the line between the haves and the have nots is getting murkier by the day.

Taking it a step further, many who enter the fitness industry often rush to try to make a quick buck, and end up throwing themselves into the fire in an effort to make it big and retire by the age of 25.

Unfortunately, what usually ends up happening is that their e-book that they thought was going to revolutionize the industry, sucks (for lack of a better term).

And therein lies the problem – many fitness professionals simply don’t have enough in the trenches experience (or expertise) to produce a solid product – let alone come up with something that doesn’t scream “vanilla,”

Really?  Another fat-loss manual?  Wow, awesome.

So, when my buddy, Mark Young, asked me to take a sneak peek into his How to Read Fitness Research product, I thought to myself, “huh, interesting.”  Here’s something that’s different and unique, and something that will make A LOT of fitness professionals out there much better at what they do.

Full disclosure:  I hate reading research.  I’d rather sit in bumper- to-bumper traffic while trying to pass a kidney stone than try to read through an entire research article.  Seriously, you might as well hand me a book written in Klingon.

But, that’s always been because I’ve been intimidated – until now, at least.  As I’m always telling my readers – you need to step outside your comfort zone in order to get better.

To that end, I asked Mark if he’d be willing to jot down a few thoughts on why he feels this product can help, and here’s what he had to say:

Three Things How to Read Fitness Research Can Do For YOU.

1.  Save Money

If you’ve been around the fitness industry for a while you’ll most certainly be able to acknowledge that it is often difficult to differentiate between real facts and the circus of pseudoscientific information put together by internet “experts” that are designed to separate you from your hard earned money.  This shit has to stop!
How to Read Fitness Research will help you to learn how to cut through the BS and find out which people are worth following and, more importantly, which programs are worth shelling out for.  And let me be clear, it isn’t always as obvious as you might think.  I know people are making a LOT of money buy selling stuff to other people based on stuff theories that don’t hold water.
With this product, YOU won’t be one of those people.

2.  Think for Yourself

Often times, especially when we’re busy, we tend to rely on others to sort through information for us and give us their interpretation of the facts.  From this, we build our programs and our results are then dependent on someone else.
But the problem here is that even though second hand information is sometimes useful, it can be a lot like the telephone game we used to play when we were kids.  The further you get from the original message, the more distorted it becomes.  And with each person that message passes through, the less and less useful it is.

With this product, YOU won’t be reliant on anyone else because you’ll be able to go straight to the source and get the information for yourself.

3.  Freedom from Rules

The more time I spend working in the fitness industry the more rules seem to be created.  Eat this often.  Eat this much protein.  Take this supplement.  Train this many times per week.  Do this many reps.  Do this many sets.  If you don’t…the world will implode and you’ll look like Tony Gentilcore for the rest of your life.  Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!  Nooooooooo!!!!!
Fortunately, most of these rules don’t have much scientific support and by discovering which principles actually must be adhered to and which aren’t you can experience unparalleled freedom that you never imagined possible while still getting the results you deserve.  And guess what?  When you’re not confined by rules, working out can actually be FUN.  Imagine that.

With this product YOU can learn to break free from many of the “rules” that govern training and nutrition to create programs that give you freedom, fun, and results all at the same time.
In short, How to Read Fitness Research is about giving YOU the power to cut through hype and misinformation and to get the results you deserve while keeping money in your wallet.