CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 8/29/14

It’s hard to believe that two weeks from today I’ll be in London walking the streets taking in the sights and sounds and (hopefully) not coming across as an annoying American tourist.

I’ll be getting in early Thursday morning after an overnight flight and I’m sure I’ll be knackered to the gills, but hoping to not get in a barney with a bloke on the tube over seeing a man about a dog.

That would be all to cock.

^^^^ LOLs.

See what I just did there?  I’m familiarizing myself with some British slang. I have no idea what I just said, but it sounds harmless enough. I’m pretty sure I just asked someone “where’s the bathroom,” but by all accounts I could just have just easily said something along the lines of “your breath smells like fart and onions.”

I’m still learning.

Anyways, I’ll be in London for mine and Dean Somerset’s Excellent Workshop High-Five, and as a gentle reminder there are still a handful of spots open for out little shindig near Washington, DC the weekend of October 18th.

For a full itinerary and details on accommodations and price click the link below.

CLICK ME (<—- That Tickles)

Hope you see you there!

And on that note I wanted to wish everyone an amazing weekend.  Here’s this week’s stuff to check out.

Finding Balance – Michael Mullin, ATC, LAT, PTA, PRC

Nowadays it seems like you can’t walk more than ten feet before a trainer or coach starts blabbing off about asymmetries, apical expansion, rib position, and zones of apposition.

In short, breathing (and how much we suck at it) is all the rage and more and more fitness professionals are jumping on the PRI (Postural Restoration Institute) train.

Don’t get me wrong, this is a good thing.  We’re big fans of PRI at the facility. Several our of staff members have attended some of the PRI modules and we’ve also had a handful of PRI practitioners and instructors come in to speak on the topic (including the author of the article linked to above).

We use it and know it works.

That said, it’s amazing how many people sing its praises, incorporate into their programs, and yet have no idea what it actually is, or does, or how to explain it to their athletes and clients.

Even worse are those trainers who buy into it so much that they start playing faux practitioner and forego their main responsibility: having people train and lift weights. It’s a sentiment I touched on HERE.

Nonetheless, I felt this was a fantastic article summarizing PRI’s general philosophy and approach to attaining “balance.”

Seven Laws of  Building Athletic Muscle – Eric Bach

Having an athletic looking body and actually being, you know, athletic is a tough feat to accomplish. In this article Eric breaks down the “Laws” that will help you get there.

Best Friends – Jason Lengstorf

This isn’t a fitness related article, but I loved it nonetheless.

Curiously, I just Google imaged the term “best friends” – just because – and low and behold 99.99% of the images were of women or had a “feminine” connotation. Dudes can have best friends, too.

And there’s nothing to be ashamed of for that.


And if that last article was too “girly” for you, here’s T-Nation’s list of their 22 best article on everything and anything on the DEADLIFT.

Not for nothing, between myself and Eric (Cressey) we wrote seven of the 22 articles listed. Holla!!!

Pick Stuff Up Off the Floor

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 4/4/14

Going to keep this one quick today. I’m actually driving back to my stomping grounds today – central NY – to take part in what should be an awesome event at my alma mater this weekend:  State University of New York at Cortland.

Myself, Lou Schuler, Dr. Mike Roussell, John Gaglione, and Dr. Cassandra Forsythe are all speaking at the SUNY Cortland Strength Symposium tomorrow and I’m excited for two reasons.

1.  This is a HUGE deal for Cortland.  Last year I was honored to be invited back to campus to hang out and to speak to the student body, and it turned out to be a well received event. But that was just little ol’ me, and I’m not even that cool.

This year, though……Cortland upped the ante and the caliber of speakers they’re bringing in is sick.  Hell, if I weren’t speaking myself I’d want to sit in on the action.

2.  Heading back to Cortland also allows me to make the trek home (Groton, NY) and spend some time with my family which I rarely ever get to do. They’ll be hugs and laughter and a lot of catching up.  But more importantly:


Before I head out I wanted to make sure I left you with this week’s stuff you read while you’re pretending to work.  You didn’t think I’d leave you hanging did you?  Come on….give me some credit!

Bench Press More in 4 Weeks – Greg Robins

Well, well, well…..look who made their first appearance on T-Nation this morning!?!?! Why it’s fellow CP coach, Greg Robins!

Greg is a phenomenal coach.  I should know, I see him in action every day.

As much as you’d like to think so, you don’t need some long-lost Russian text or smelling salts to bench press more.

If that’s what you’re doing, you’re making it more complicated than it has to be.

This was a fantastic article if for nothing else for the practical advice.

Why Rep Ranges Are a Sham – Mike Samuels

I thought this was a cool way of thinking outside the box, and something I’ve toyed with in the past myself.

Of Note: the next time a woman mentions how she’s “scared” to perform low-rep strength training for fear of growing an Adam’s Apple, show her this article and how she can manipulate reps (more specifically, time) so that won’t happen. It’s not going to happen either way, but this article will at least provide some science to back it up.

Your Taste Doesn’t Matter – Jason Lengstorf

Not a fitness themed blog by any means (it’s about coffee), but still relevant in many ways.

I can think back to how many times I’ve rolled my eyes whenever someone tells me that they’re preferred mode of exercise is jogging, yoga, Zumba, or pretend light-saber battles.

Actually, that last one is pretty baller.

Anyways, if someone wasn’t making a concerted effort to lift some appreciable weight on a consistent basis, I’d always try to convince him or her why not doing so was the worst thing since, well, anything by Taylor Swift.

The fact of the matter is:  sometimes, just like people’s coffee preferences, many could care less about their squat total or how much they bench press. Rather than chastise them for their lack of coffee and/or workout taste/etiquette…..why not just embrace that they like what they like?  It’s not the end of world.