
2 More Ways to Stand Out With Integrity in an Industry That Has Little

Last week my friend and colleague, Jill Coleman, wrote a wonderful piece titled “8 Ways to Stand Out With Integrity  in an Industry That Has Little.

You can check it out HERE.

I thought it was the bees knees…and 1) I’m sorry for using the phrase “bees knees,” and 2) I shared it here on this blog (on my weekly Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work series) in addition to tossing it up on my social media outlets.

HINT: it…was…that…good.

Copyright: turgaygundogdu / 123RF Stock Photo

So I Figured I’d Jump In

There isn’t much to add to Jill’s post; she hit on a lot of “big rock” themes I feel behooves any professional, regardless of occupation – to follow.1

To that end, I wanted to add a few salient points into the mix and to expound a bit on some of MY thoughts hovering around the same topic.

You know, just a few tidbits, tiddlywinks, and tickles(?) <— I couldn’t think of another good t-word to finish the alliteration.

1. Practice What You Preach

I’m a coach.

I like helping people get strong(er), feeling better, and/or conjuring their inner meathead. To steal an analogy from my good friend Dean Somerset: I like to think of myself as a fitness Sherpa.

Except in this case, instead of guiding people up Mt. Everest, I guide them through their Goblet Squats or get-ups; or my Gangstarr play list (alliteration!)

My job is to be their support system and direct them from Point A to Point B in the safest, most time efficient path possible.

The key here, of course, is the coaching part.

I actually coach.

Meaning, I work with people in real-life. It boggles my mind that there are some “fitness professionals” out there, a minority to be fair, who sell themselves as these industry messiahs who have worked with 1000’s of people and are “world renowned” despite being 21.

Now, I’m not saying someone can’t be a successful coach or even well-known in this industry at 21.

However, you know it, I know it, your best friend’s second cousin’s dog trainer’s Little League coach knows it…

…you’re full of shit.

Or, even worse, there are some fitness professionals out there – regardless of age – who market themselves as “experts” and write a good game – are featured on popular sites or sell a bunch of E-books – but train zero people.

Ben Bruno and I like to play a game whenever we come across an insane workout or program online. You can always tell those programs written by real, well-seasoned coaches (who work with real people) and those written by wannabes:

Real Coach

A1. Trap Bar Deadlift 3×5
A2. (Loaded) Push-Up 3×8,8,MAX

B1. Front Squat 5×3 @ 75-80%
B2. Chin-Up 5×5

C1. Chest Supported Row 3×12,10,8
C2. BearSaw 3×8-10

Coach Who’s Never Trained Anyone…Ever

A1. Deadlift 10×10
A2. Handstand Walks over Broken Glass 10x400m

B1. Bench Press 10×10
B2. Punch a lumberjack in the beard 10xMAX reps

C1. Back Squat 10×10
C2. Barbell Bicep Curl w/ Weight Releasers, 5/5/5 Tempo – Blindfolded 10×5

Listen, all I am saying is this:

Don’t be a clown. Don’t pretend to be something you’re not. It’s not worth it and (most) people are going to be able to see right through the nonsense anyway, which is not going to help your career in the long run.

Moreover, and this is just my own personal aside: I have rarely programmed an exercise (or protocol) that I haven’t performed myself.

  • 20-rep squats?…yup.
  • 21 straight days of deadlifting?…stupid, but yes.
  • THIS?


Well, the video proves it…;o)

I can think of no better way to hammer home this point than with a story I heard Martin Rooney say years ago centered around the Monk, the Mom and the Toddler (paraphrased):

A mother was incensed she could not get her toddler to stop eating sugar. As a final hail mary she decided to seek the advice of the wise Monk.

Mother: “Oh wise Monk, can you tell me how I to get my toddler to stop eating sugar?”

Monk: “Come back in two weeks and I will tell you.”

Mother: “FML, (like I said, paraphrased) that doesn’t help me, but okay. See you in two weeks.”

(Fast forward two weeks)

Mother: “Alright Monk, it’s been two weeks. How do I get my toddler to stop eating sugar?”

Monk (looks directly at the toddler): “Stop eating sugar.”

Mother (incredulous): Wait, what? That’s what I have been doing all along! This makes no sense. Some wise Monk you are!”

Monk: “I had to stop eating sugar before I could tell someone else to do the same.”

That’s integrity.


2. Don’t Buy Followers

Recently I watched Bret Contreras’s presentation via the NSCA Personal Trainer’s Virtual Conference on how to grow your Instagram following.

Bret’s someone who has over 800k+ followers so he knows a thing or two about what to do and what not to do.

To Do:

  • Prioritize actionable content
  • Treat it like a job (I.e., good content takes more than 10 minutes to produce. Bret spends, on average, 3-4 hours PER DAY creating content and interacting with his followers)
  • Good content is a combination of training yourself, training other people, and READING
  • A good microphone, lighting, and knowing your angles matters.
  • Be authentic

Not to Do

  • Buy followers

I see it all the time.

Someone has 100,000 followers yet two comments on each post.

Don’t buy followers.

Just. Don’t.

3. I’m Done, Just Realized The Irishman is Now Available to Watch on Netflix


CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 11/22/19

Copyright: perhapzzz / 123RF Stock Photo


1. (Even More) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint – Athens, Greece: Saturday, Feb 29th & Sunday, March 1st, 2020

This will be the first leg of mine and Dean Somerset’s European extravaganza in early 2020. The second leg will take place in…

2. (Even More) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint – Maidenhead, U.K: March 7th & 8th, 2020

There’s an Early Bird rate for both of these events, so keep that in mind before you decide to hold off. Dean and I are really excited for this and hope to see you there!





How to Deal With a Negative Personal Training Client – Dr. Lisa Lewis

100% of personal trainers/coaches can commiserate on this…

THAT client that just drives us bonkers with their negativity.

Before you resort to throwing your face into an ax read this article from my wife first.

8 Ways to Stand Out With Integrity in an Industry That Has Little – Jill Coleman

This was an excellent article by Jill.

Slow clap of the month award goes to her, hands down.

The 100-Day Reclaim – Nia Shanks

My friend Nia Shanks sent me a copy of her latest book, The 100 Day Reclaim. Let’s be honest: health/fitness can be a drag and a grind.

It’s not easy.

Oftentimes we want to give up.

This book will punch you in the lip undoubtedly provide some sage words to help keep you on task.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work Uncategorized

Stuff To Read While You’re Pretending To Work: 11/3/17

The baby fell asleep at his normal time last night and Lisa wasn’t going to be home for two hours.

What to do? What to do?

Stranger Things season 2 ya’ll.

I watched two episodes and am trying really hard not to put my laptop down and watch two more at this moment.


Lets get to this week’s stuff to read.

Copyright: wamsler / 123RF Stock Photo

But First

1) Mid-Atlantic Regional NSCA Conference – Philadelphia

I’m excited to be presenting alongside some other prominent coaches at this year’s Mid-Atlantic NSCA Conference in Philadelphia, PA this coming December.

Hope to see you there.

2) 6 Mistakes You Make When Deadlifting That Are Screwing Up Your Back

Men’s Health reached out and asked if I’d be willing to chime in on this one?

  • Does a bear shit in the woods?
  • Does Han love Leia?

Of course I’ll chime in.

3) Online Trainer Academy – Early Bird Ends

Building a successful online training business can be daunting. There’s a lot of noise out there and it can be hard to separate yourself from the masses.

My good friend, Jon Goodman, has produced the most complete and thorough resource on the topic. If you’re looking for help on the what’s and why’s and how’s on the particulars of building a online business, one with integrity and that will help give you some financial freedom, look no further.

This course is only offered twice per year and the early bird opt in (which saves you $200) ends tonight. What’s more, since they’re always adding and updating information, next year the course will be $500 more expensive. So this is your last chance to save a boat load of cash.

Improving Shoulder Motion: Lat Inhibition – Dr. Quinn Henoch

My new man-crush is Quinn Henoch.

LOVE his work.

Awareness Is Great, Action Is Better: Here’s How To Just Do the Damn Thing – Jill Coleman

When I made the decision to leave Cressey Sports Performance a few years ago it scared the shit out of me. I used that fear to help motivate me not to fail.

It worked. I think.

In this article Jill does a much better job of articulating how to handle tough situations.

Unorthodox Core Strengthening Exercises – Andrew Millett

1. That’s a piss-poor looking plank. 2. There are no plank variations in this article.  I just chose this picture because it was free….;o)

Social Media Shenanigans



It was either this or a ridiculously cute Ewok.

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