
Appearance on The FitCast and the Grafters Podcast

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The FitCast – Shelter in Place

Some of you may recall that circa 2008-2009 I was one of the co-hosts of The FitCast alongside Kevin Larrabee, Leigh Peele, and Jonathan Fass.

Kevin figured it would be nice to reconnect the old gang to serve as a bit of an escape for everyone else during this shit-show of a time.

And, not for nothing: this ended up being EPISODE #500.

Congrats Kevin!

We ended up recording for close to two hours with an EPIC off-topic section at the end (SPOILER ALERT: Star Wars beat down ensues).

Anyway, I hope you enjoy (and here’s hoping Kevin decides to record a few more episodes with the four of us again. Pester him….haha).

Download/listen on iTunes – HERE

On the FitCast Network – HERE

The Grafters Podcast

I enjoy every podcast I am invited on to, but this one in particular was a delight take part in. The Grafters podcast is hosted by Chris Kershaw and Reanne Francis who are both personal trainers located in Leeds, UK.

In this episode we discuss what it’s been like to navigate the apocalypse (COVID-19) and what I have done to “pivot” my business. In addition we go into some of the mental gymnastics surrounding helping our clients/athletes during this weird, weird time.

Give it a listen (what else are you going to do?)

Download/listen via iTunes – HERE

Spotify – HERE


Talking Shop on The FitCast

So I had just finished doing all of my Sunday morning errands yesterday (laundry, grocery shopping, crushing bacon, what have you) and finally sat down to try to figure out what I wanted to accomplish for the rest of the day. I had a few things on tap.  For starters, I had to catch up on some writing. I also had a handful of  programs that needed to be completed, fine tuned, and sent out to clients so that they could start them today.

And, as is the case with every Sunday, I had to figure out which matinee I was going to go see. Frankly, once I had my “work” done for the day, I really had no set agenda other than to watch a movie (I ended up seeing Take This Waltz), maybe catch a little of the Olympics, touch base with Lisa on Skype (she’s off exploring in Europe for a month), and then spend the rest of the day vegging out.

I flipped open my laptop to check my emails really quick and noticed I had a message from Kevin Larrabee.

“Want to join Fass, Leigh and I for some podcasting at 6pm for like 25 minutes?

Like, whoa. I can’t even remember the last time I was on The Fitcast. I think Lost was still on the air, Paula was still a judge on American Idol, and Tebowing didn’t even exist.

Yeah, it had been a while.

So anyways, what was supposed to be a quick “25 minute” recording turned into an over two hour reunion of catching up, debauchery, and shenanigans.  Don’t worry the episode isn’t two hours long, and we also happened to squeeze in some health and fitness content too.

Among a few things we touched on:

– Breathing Patterns

– Internet Gurus

– Cressey Performance expansion

– My cat

The Dark Knight Rises (relax, no spoilers).

The episode is so chock full of awesome info and nuggets, and I wouldn’t be at all surprised if this happened:

Episode 240: Return of the Jedi

***This marks the first time I have ever been referred to as a Jedi.  This should happen more often.

It was great to be back!  Hope all of you enjoy it as well.