
Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 4/15/2011

Cool News:  a few weeks ago, I mentioned in passing how I was offered the opportunity to start writing for a fairly popular fitness website that currently has an Alexa ranking of 1,143.  Meaning, it’s the 1,143rd most visited website in the world, and 397th in the U.S (ie, pretty freakin good). So, yeah, it’s kind of a big deal.

I didn’t name any names at the time because nothing was set in stone, and I didn’t want to jinx myself.  Kind of ilike what’s happening right now here in Boston with all of the people who claimed that the Sox were easily going to win the World Series this year.

*inserts foot in mouth*

Well, given that I received my first writing assignment from them yesterday, I think it’s safe to let the cat out of the bag and let people in on the secret.

[Cue drum roll, laser show, and smoke machine]

The site is, and I’m really exicted for the opportunity.  Adam Bornstein, former fitness editor of Men’s Health, has recently taken over and is in charge of upgrading the content on the site.    So, you should see some cool things happening in the near future.

Anyways, moving on to matters at hand, here’s some stuff to keep you occupied for the next hour or so.

Knowledge vs. Experience – Mike Robertson

Mike has writen a lot of great things in the past, but I think this is one of his best.  As a fitness professional myself, and as someone who has worked his way up through the trenches, I couldn’t agree more with what Mike had to say in this post.   To all the upcoming coaches and trainers out there – READ THIS POST!!!!!

Is Sugar Toxic? – Gary Taubes

Here, Gary Taubes, author of the renowned book, Good Calories, Bad Calories (which admittedly, is still sitting on my bookshelf waiting to be read) gives his thoughts on Robert Lustig’s notion that sugar is nothing more than a toxin to the body – which namely stems from his lecture, Sugar: The Bitter Truth, which has gained a lot of attention in the past year or so.

It’s a compelling argument for sure.  But sometihng I’m not remotely qualified to throw myself into.  I will say this, though: I learned a new phrase – DIABESITY.  Clever.

And, to close out the week, here’s a video of yet another “fitness professional” (and I use that term VERY loosely here) demonstrating how to use kettlebells. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

I don’t know what it is about kettlebells, but it seems there’s an epidemic of videos popping up on Youtube of people just butchering technique.  I saw one the other day that Leigh Peele posted on her Facebook page of a personal trainer from Florida taking his female client through a tutorial on KB swings, and he just got shit on by the RKC and HKC crowd (and rightfully so).  It was that bad.  I think by the end of the day the video was removed from his youtube page.

Anyways, to her credit, the woman above apparently is going to seek professional instruction on how to use (and teach) proper kettlebell technique.  But shouldn’t this have been something she should have done before posting a video on youtube?  And, more importantly, what are the odds that if aliens came down from outer space and kidnapped her, that they’d find a Teddy Bear where her brain should be?

Have a great weekend everyone!