
Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: You’re Not That Busy, Plank Fails, and Offset Loading

I’m sitting outside here on my patio as I type this blog post, and I HAD to share this picture my cat, Dagny, keeping me company. Her and I tend to spend a lot of time out here on my days “off” as I sit outside catching up on miscellaneous stuff like emails, deadlines for articles, and general procrastination.

Read:  checking Facebook and Twitter.

<——— But is that not one of the cutest things in like ever?

If you would have told me five years ago that I’d not only be a cat owner, but that I’d be posting pictures of her up on my website like some crazy cat woman, I would have laughed.

But here I am……posting pics of my cat.  On the internet.

This better not turn into some gateway event where before I know it I’m collecting stamps and knitting sweaters on the side.

To help save face, once I’m done putting this post up I’m going to grab a few of my kettlebells, put them in my car, and drive a little ways up from my apartment to a park that’s up the street. From there the game plan is to perform an impromptu outdoors workout, which is something I’ve never done before.

Somewhere out there a tear just rolled down Nia Shanks’ cheek.  She’s a HUGE fan of performing outdoor workouts and just having fun with your training.

On the docket for me today are some hill sprints, various KB drills (swings, snatches, single leg work), and some push-ups and pull-ups in the park.

Sadly, Boston is shrouded in cloud cover today, and it’s kinda chilly, so there won’t be any “sun’s out guns out” party today. Maybe next time though.

Since that will be keeping me occupied for the remainder of the morning, here’s some stuff to check out on your end.  Enjoy!

Leading off, as some of you may recall, in last month’s issue of Women’s Health Magazine I wrote an article titled the Yes, You Can! Chin-Up Challenge.

I was elated to see this video posted up on the website which showcased some of the staffers doing the 6-week plan. This absolutely made my day, and I was especially happy to hear some of the women seeing the “silver lining” in it all.

Even though some of them didn’t accomplish their goal of hitting their very first chin-up, they DID see noticeable changes in their bodies, which was half the point of me writing the plan in the first place.

I’m so sick of women wasting their time in the gym performing lame “arm workouts” with pink dumbbells and taking this “woe is me” attitude when it comes to lifting real weights.

My argument is this:  even if you can’t perform a chin-up, the effort and hard work it’ll take to get to that point will lead to “toned” arms and a sexy backside – sans the tricep kickbacks and foo-foo band bicep curls.

Please Stop Complaining About How Busy You Are – Meredith Fineman

This one hits the nail on the head.  Look: I’m busy, you’re busy, we’re all busy.

But are we really?

People brag about how busy there like it’s a badge of honor.  While it can be commendable in some aspects, I’d posit that for many of us, taking a little more effort to organize our lives and taking some time to “smell the roses” would do us all some good.

As an entrepreneur (<— I still have to look up how to spell that word correctly), and someone who’s involved with helping to run a facility AND run an online business, I too can commiserate on how hectic my schedule can be.

But I don’t brag about it, because frankly, who gives a shit?

And to take it a step further, I don’t want to be busy. I don’t want to be one of those douchers who can’t put his smart phone down, and who walks down the street nose to phone rather than actually taking part in normal human interaction.

And on a more personal note, I don’t want to be 50% of that couple who spends more time playing Angry Birds and/or checking text messages than enjoying each other’s company

Moreover, while sometimes it’s inevitable that I bring work home with me (especially since a fair percentage of my work involves the use of my laptop), I really try in my heart of hearts to set aside a chunk of time throughout the week that I can spend doing things I enjoying doing:  going to the movies, having “date night” with my girlfriend, and yes, sometimes hanging out with my cat.

Shut up – don’t judge me!

As such, sure, I might not be making as much money or be as “successful” as I’d like to be………but I also like having a life outside of work, and not being married to my phone or email.

It’s part of the schtick, of course – especially it today’s technology crazed age.  But I think there’s a lot to be said about setting boundries and knowing when to turn things off and just be in the moment.

People are so wired nowadays, and so in a rush that it amazes me when someone honks their car horn like an a-hole the nanosecond a traffic light turns green.  Is it any wonder why people die of heart attacks at age 40?

Nonetheless, that’s my random rant for the week.  I’ll shut up now.

3 Unintended Mistakes of the Plank That Can Destroy (Not Build) Your Core – John Izzo

If I had a quarter for every time someone says to me that they crush planks as part of their core training, and then proceed to absolutely butcher their technique I’d be a rich man.

Planks are a staple in most training programs, but it’s rare when I actually come across someone who does them correctly (or uses them for their intended purpose for that matter).

Here, John breaks down some common mistakes and offers some great insight on the dos and don’ts of planking (not to be confused with Twerking) prowess.

Real Core Training: Offset Loading – Kyle Arsenault

Pigging back on the above, I’ve long championed the notion that offset (or asymmetrical) loading is the epitome of core training.

Whether we’re talking about lower or upper extremity work, holding or performing an exercise in an offset manner challenges the core like nothing else, and is a far step above what most people inevitably end up doing in their training.

In this informative article, Kyle offers some exercise and programming strategies to implement the offset paradigm, which essentially entails using a higher load on one side of the body.

Good stuff!


CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 8/23/13

I know, I know – I’m posting this badboy up a bit later than usual, but I actually have a legitimate excuse.  For starters,  ummmmm, hello??? Freakin Ben Affleck is slated to be the next Batman!!!!

I don’t know how I feel about this yet.  Part of me is like “hell yeah.” He’s an often under appreciated actor, and he’s obviously made his mark as an A-List director (Gone Baby Gone, The Town, Argo), so I feel like he’s a good fit because he knows what it’s like to direct and will offer his own vision to some degree.

Plus, lets be honest:  he’s got the jawline for the role.

And part of me wants to punch a hole in the wall because I’m so enamored with Christopher Nolan’s ‘Dark Knight’ franchise and Christian Bale’s portrayal of Batman/Bruce Wayne, that it kind of makes me sad that we’re moving on and turning the page on that chapter in the Batman franchise.

It’s going to be interesting for sure, and if nothing else, this marks Day One of my campaign to try to convince Ben Affleck to come to Boston (his home town no less) and train for his role at Cressey Performance.

Someone contact DC Comics for me and make that happen!…….;o)

But in all seriousness, the reason I’m a bit late posting today is because we’ve been absolutely swamped at CP with new assessments (16 this week alone), and I (along with the rest of the staff) have been writing programs like a boss.  I swear every waking moment outside of coaching has been spent writing programs.  Okay I watched the season 7 finale of How I Met Your Mother, but other than that, I’ve been glued to Excel.

Moreover I was the one who ran Excellence Bootcamps this morning, and treated all the participants to a little TG techno magic time.  Which is to say, for five hours straight there was nothing but Swedish House Mafia, Tiesto, Deadmaus, and other sick beats while I took everyone through a healthy dose of Prowler pushes, carries, deadlifts, and fist pumps for days.

It was awesome.  But I guess you had to be there.

Nevertheless, even though most people reading are no longer at work, and are probably 2-3 Martinis deep into their weekend, here’s some stuff to read:

Strength Goals Trump the Scale – Artemis Scantalides

I respect the hell out of Artemis, and not because she can round house kick me to the face faster than I can say “Tracy Anderson is about as intelligent as a ham sandwich.”

Which is pretty darn fast, mind you.

I just love the consistent message that Artemis relays on her blog, and it’s pretty cool to witness.

Please, ladies:  check out her stuff and forward to ALL of your friends who are married to the scale.

Should You Be Sprinting – Kyle Arsenault

This was a fantastic article over on by former CP intern, Kyle Arsenault, on the many benefits of sprinting and why many people probably shouldn’t doing it.  At least not yet.

How to Get the Buy In – Justin Kompf

There are a lot of, shall I say, “douchey” personal trainers out there. Most don’t know their ass from their acetabulum, yet are able to hit their quotas each and every month because they’re essentially glorified babysitters.  They train their client’s mouths more than they train their posterior chain.

Rare is the event where a client “buys in,” or hits that tipping point where they finally “get” what you’re trying to accomplish with them as their trainer.

Even rarer when you convert your client’s train of thought into actually LIKING lifting heavy things and showing up week in and week out for more “torture.”

In this thought provoking post, Justin describes the “buy in,” and how you as a trainer can get to that point.


Should You Use the Olympic Lifts – Me

This was a quick article I wrote for on Olympic lifting and why I tend to shy away from including them in 99.98% of the programs that I write.

I’d love for you guys to check it out and show some love by “Liking” the article.  But if you think it sucks, that’s cool too.  I won’t cry.  That much.