CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff To Read While You’re Pretending To Work: 10/23/15

Some big things happening in the next 48 hours.

For starters I’ll officially be open for business and taking on new clients at my new spot in Boston. I’ve spent the past few weeks getting my ducks in a row purchasing equipment and getting some semblance of “systems” set in place to help organize things.

But mostly it’s been all about taking this:

Special delivery from @roguefitness. Now the question is how long will it take me to put everything together?

A photo posted by Tony Gentilcore (@tonygentilcore) on

To  this:


Time to get to work. Wish me luck. A photo posted by Tony Gentilcore (@tonygentilcore) on

And turning it into this:




A photo posted by Tony Gentilcore (@tonygentilcore) on

It’s like my very own Transformer!

I’ll be updating the website soon to better highlight what services I’ll be offering in Boston, but for now if you’re reading this and wondering to yourself, “huh, I wonder what it would be like to have Tony train me1” you can shoot me an email at: (or use the Contact function on the homepage).

UPDATE: actually, you can go HERE for more information.

Also, I’ll be making a cameo appearance at Legacy Strength in Floral Park, NY on Sunday (10/25) to do a 1-day workshop on shoulder shenanigans for a group of personal trainers and coaches. It’ll actually be my first time driving to NYC (and not taking public transportation), so FML.

I am, however, really looking forward to Sunday.

And lastly, speaking of speaking engagements, I’d like to run something past all of you.

Lisa, my wife, is an accomplished psychologist (with a doctorate in Sports Psychology) and she and I have been toying with the idea of offering a 1-day workshop tentatively titled “Kick It Up a Notch.”

[NOTE (slight brag fest): she actually jumped in when I was down in Australia this past March and spoke to the group of trainers/coaches on mindset and how to better communicate with clients. They ate it up. She’s also speaking alongside Artemis Scantalides in a few weeks at the I Am Not Afraid To Lift (Boston) Workshop. There are a handful of spots still available. Hint, hint].

Helping athletes/clients on the physical component is one thing – most trainers and coaches are well prepared for that. However, it’s a whole different ball of wax when mindset and the mental component is thrown into the mix.

What the two of us have been thinking is combining a workshop where I speak to how to progress our clients in the weight room (discussing exercise progressions/regressions, performance on key lifts) and Lisa speaks to how to help our clients with mindset, inner dialogue, and the mental component.

Do you feel there would be ANY interest in something like this?

I do. But I’d like to see if I’m right or if it’s just wishful thinking on my part.

Without further ado, lets get to this week’s list.

Head & Shin Position In the Deadlift – Tim Henriques

Tim’s an excellent coach and wrote one of the best books on powerlifting I’ve ever read titled, coincidentally enough, All About Powerlifting.

This was a fantastic article breaking down two often debated cues on the deadlift concerning ideal chin and shin position. Really, really good stuff.

The only way this article could have been more good is if it won an arm wrestling match vs. Zeus.

5 Critical Coaching Cues, Confused – Greg Robins

Keeping with the “lifting heavy stuff” theme, in this article Greg discusses five common coaching cues with the Big 3 that are often misunderstood or confused.

I particularly liked #1.

Why Strength Training Is Crucial For Me – Lindsay Somerset

Somerset? That name sounds familiar.

Lindsay is Dean’s wife, and an accomplished endurance athlete. In this very important post she describes why strength training has been a crucial component to her success as a competitive athlete.

Some Bonus Stuff

1. I’m really excited about the upcoming release of Strength Expert Secrets.featuring the likes of Dan John, Tim Henriques, Matt Kroc, Jordan Syatt, Dean Somerset, Josh Bryant, Bud Jefferies, and me.

As part of the pre-launch you can sign up to receive 8 FREE preview videos of the product. All you need to do is provide your name and email address HERE.

To serve as a teaser, here’s my video:


I really hate watching/hearing myself speak.

2. For anyone looking to improve their writing skills, I picked up a really good book yesterday: Everybody Writes: Your Go-To Guide To Creating Ridiculously Good Content.