CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 6/13/14

Really quick before I get into the meat and potatoes of this week’s list.

1.  I love you.

2.  I didn’t even realize it was Friday the 13th until someone pointed it out to me today.  Also, apparently, I think someone told me there’s a full moon tonight.  If so, have fun with that. Good luck!

3.  If you missed it, strength coach, writer, and stronger than 99% of the population, Tim Henriques, wrote a fantastic guest post earlier this week titled 5 Life Lessons From Powerlifting.

I’m reminding people because his new book, All About Powerlifting, is quickly becoming one of my “go to” books to recommend to people regardless of training experience or whether or not they’re interested in powerlifting.  Don’t let the title fool. Yes, it’s about powerlifting….but Tim goes into great detail on each of the “big 3” and I feel it serves as an excellent primer for those looking to learn the lifts and improve their technique.

4. Only 553 days left until Star Wars Episode VII comes out.  In case anyone’s keeping track. 5 hours, 47 minutes, and 33 seconds.

32, 31, 30……..

Death By Cardio & The Fortress of Solitude – Bryan Krahn

There was an article written last week on a very popular fitness site basically telling people that cardio kills people.  I didn’t much care for it and felt it did more to bring the industry back rather than improve it.

There was a lot of research studies sited in the article itself, which, for better or worse, automatically gives people the impression that it must be accurate.

Just remember:  there was once a time where physicians advocated we smoke to improve our health!

Anyways, I really appreciated Bryan’s retort and I think you will too.

My Secret Sauce to Healthy Weight: Meal Preparation – Trish DaCosta

I had the pleasure of meeting Trish in person earlier this week and felt she was a lovely human being, and someone whom I shared many common beliefs with.

Like the idea of meal prep and how that plays a key role in weight management.

Every Sunday Lisa and I will get our groceries for the week and we’ll get home and have most of the food prep done (chicken breasts grilled, starches cooked, and beef sauteed) before noon.  And be “we’ll have it done,” what I really mean is Lisa will have it done.

Love you babe!

Yes, meal prep sucks.  Yes, no one likes doing it.  But you need to learn to suck it up and do it anyways. That, and TAKE OUT THE RECYCLING!!!!!!!!!!  HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO ASK!?!??!

Low Cholesterol: The Risks, Dangers, and Reality – Michael McEvoy

I had my first appointment with a doctor in well over a decade last summer. As I recall it was a fairly painless experience, and I only hyperventilated into a brown paper bag twice at the sight of a needle.

As part of the deal, I had some blood work done to test things like my vitamin D levels, testosterone levels, as well as cholesterol and adamantium (<—– please tell you get the reference).

A week or so after the fact I received the results and noticed that my TOTAL cholesterol levels were somewhat low (take that egg haters!!!!), and I was more or less patting myself on the back.

As it happened, a fellow Facebook friend of mine, a doctor himself, noted that, while there was nothing to be too (too) concerned about, low cholesterol levels can be just as much a sign of something wrong as high cholesterol readings.

He noted:

“If your total cholesterol is really in the 120s, you (may) have a couple of things going on….the first could be fat malabsorption due to decreased bile production or flow, the second is significant adrenal stress that leads to all of your cholesterol getting shunted to pregnenolone to control inflammation. Infections(sub-clinical) will lead to chronic inflammation that depletes cholesterol as well.” 

To which I responded:

Am I going to die?

Anyways, this was the article he sent my way which I felt was interesting and something that some of you may find interesting as well.