CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work Uncategorized

Stuff To Read While You’re Pretending To Work: 11/3/17

The baby fell asleep at his normal time last night and Lisa wasn’t going to be home for two hours.

What to do? What to do?

Stranger Things season 2 ya’ll.

I watched two episodes and am trying really hard not to put my laptop down and watch two more at this moment.


Lets get to this week’s stuff to read.

Copyright: wamsler / 123RF Stock Photo

But First

1) Mid-Atlantic Regional NSCA Conference – Philadelphia

I’m excited to be presenting alongside some other prominent coaches at this year’s Mid-Atlantic NSCA Conference in Philadelphia, PA this coming December.

Hope to see you there.

2) 6 Mistakes You Make When Deadlifting That Are Screwing Up Your Back

Men’s Health reached out and asked if I’d be willing to chime in on this one?

  • Does a bear shit in the woods?
  • Does Han love Leia?

Of course I’ll chime in.

3) Online Trainer Academy – Early Bird Ends

Building a successful online training business can be daunting. There’s a lot of noise out there and it can be hard to separate yourself from the masses.

My good friend, Jon Goodman, has produced the most complete and thorough resource on the topic. If you’re looking for help on the what’s and why’s and how’s on the particulars of building a online business, one with integrity and that will help give you some financial freedom, look no further.

This course is only offered twice per year and the early bird opt in (which saves you $200) ends tonight. What’s more, since they’re always adding and updating information, next year the course will be $500 more expensive. So this is your last chance to save a boat load of cash.

Improving Shoulder Motion: Lat Inhibition – Dr. Quinn Henoch

My new man-crush is Quinn Henoch.

LOVE his work.

Awareness Is Great, Action Is Better: Here’s How To Just Do the Damn Thing – Jill Coleman

When I made the decision to leave Cressey Sports Performance a few years ago it scared the shit out of me. I used that fear to help motivate me not to fail.

It worked. I think.

In this article Jill does a much better job of articulating how to handle tough situations.

Unorthodox Core Strengthening Exercises – Andrew Millett

1. That’s a piss-poor looking plank. 2. There are no plank variations in this article.  I just chose this picture because it was free….;o)

Social Media Shenanigans



It was either this or a ridiculously cute Ewok.

A post shared by Tony Gentilcore (@tonygentilcore) on

CategoriesAssessment coaching Program Design speed training

Bottoms-Up Squat Patterning Is the Jam

I was livid.

Not long ago I had a female client come in for an initial assessment and she divulged to me the previous coach she had worked with, in not so many words, inferred she was “dysfunctional” and that she’d likely never be able to perform a decent squat.1

What kind of BS is that? Within ten minutes of the first session you tell someone how much of a walking ball of fail they are? Awesome business model, dude.

I took it as my mission to use that initial session with her and demonstrate to her success; to prove to her she could squat. Maybe not with a barbell on her back, ass to grass, but I wanted to show her that 1) not many people are able to do that in the first place and 2) there are many different iterations of the squat and it was my job to showcase what her best options were given her ability level, injury history, and goal(s).

Screw that coach.2

Copyright: fxquadro / 123RF Stock Photo


The interaction above took place several months ago.

And, not to be too braggadocious, I was able to successfully get her to “squat” within that first session after taking her through a thorough screen and using more of a bottoms-up approach to pattern her squat.3

It all came down to getting her nervous system comfortable in the bottom position and to own it.

Cliff Notes Version:

  • Perform a hip scour to ascertain general anatomy limitations
  • Assess both passive AND active squat pattern(s).
  • See if active “matches” passive ROM (Range of Motion).
    • If so, do they demonstrate enough motor control to, well, control that ROM?
    • If not, is it a mobility or stability issue? I find it’s rarely the former. However mobility tends to be everyone’s “go to” scapegoat.
  • Implement appropriate patterning drills that match the trainee’s ability level and don’t bore them to tears with too many corrective drills that don’t accomplish much of anything.

Non-Cliff Notes Version:

Read THIS —-> Building the Squat From the Bottom

Bottoms-Up Is the Jam

Using the BOTTOMS-UP approach to introduce specific movements – in this case, the squat – is a foolproof way help build your client’s confidence in the movement and to start to nudge a training effect.

NOTE: a baby dolphin dies every time you default to 30 minutes of “ankle mobilization” drills.

This past weekend I was fortunate enough to attend the Clinical Athlete Workshop in Springfield, MA with Dr. Quinn Henoch, Dr. Zak Gabor, and Matthew Ibrahim.

Quinn brought to light two more drills I’m immediately going to add to my arsenal and I wanted to share them with you here.

Check these bad boys out.

Quadruped Rockback Squat Patterning


Tall Kneeling Squat Patterning


Pretty cool, right?

Play around with them yourself. Use them with your clients. Demonstrate to your clients that they can do stuff, and that oftentimes it’s just a matter of breaking down movements into more digestible parts to show them success.

Go to work my Padwans.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 10/28/16

Forgive the visual, but I’m doing everything I can not to destroy the back of my pants right now. T-Minus 3 days until the launch of the Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint. (<- that’s the actual site).

Check it out. DO IT.


I’m excited, of course. I mean, hello: First fitness product.1

This is a resource I feel is going to help any fitness pro who works with anyone with shoulders and hips (Read: everyone) better hone their skills with assessment and program design. Having the opportunity to help others on a more of a mass scale is pretty cool. I’m also excited because I’m expecting to win an Academy Award.

If not for Best Presentation on Scapular Upward Rotation definitely for Best Biceps in a Smedium T-Shirt.

I’m nervous, too.

I think anytime you put yourself out there, whether it’s writing your first blog or producing your first fitness resource, there’s an inherent feeling of “WTF did I just do?” that washes over you and you want nothing more than to curl up in the corner of a room in the fetal position.

I mean, what if no one likes it? What happens if the site crashes? Or, what if, oh shit, what if there’s some sort of glitch in the videos where we have some sort of situation like what happens in The Ring?



Needless to say, next week is going to be huge. I can’t wait.

Some Stuff to Check Out Before You Read Stuff

1) I’m heading into Week #4 of John Rusin’s Functional Hypertrophy Training program. Faaaaaaaaaaaack that guy.

It’s definitely been a change of pace for me with the high(er) rep approach, but that’s a good thing. It’s been years since I’ve performed a high-volume based program, and what’s more John designed it to be joint friendly, and it’s been exactly that.

I hate him, but I love him.

If you’d like to jump in on the action go HERE and then use the code TG10 to save a little money off your purchase. Lets get jacked (and commiserate) together…;o)

2) The Strong Women Lift Each Other Up video series by Girls Gone Strong will disappear after this Sunday, October 30th.

20+ hours of presentations and hands-on demonstrations from the entire GGS Advisory Board, along with Dr. Susan Kleiner, Dr. Krista-Scott Dixon, Ingrid Marcum, Elsbeth Vaino, Marni Sumbal, and Jennifer Vogelgesang-Blake.

It’s made by women, for women.

The information is all female-specific and covers everything from carbohydrate intake to menopause to pelvic floor dysfunction to body embracement and personal power. And there’s a fair bit of discussion on lifting heavy things too…;o)

You can go HERE for more details.

Like I said, it won’t be available after this weekend…..sooooooo……..

3) My wife and I bought a crib last weekend. Shit’s getting real.

Fitness Professional vs. Fitness Celebrity: Who to Follow – Erica Sutter

I’ll give you hint: it’s not the celebrities…..;O)

Awesome rant from Erica.

Also, side note: I should totally write an ebook about how to deadlift cats. (<– click the link and read the article and this will make sense).

Mobility Myths: Scapular Winging – Dr. Quinn Henoch

I know I swear a lot on this site, and I apologize. But when I say an article/video is fucking good, it’s fucking good.


Simple Analogies to Use When Coaching the Deadlift to Beginners – Nancy Newell

Analogies are a coach’s best friend. Cressey Sports Performance coach, Nancy Newell, shares some of her favorites when working with beginners on the deadlift.


I see many of my colleagues doing this and figured I’d jump in on the action. You know, cause I’m important.

