CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 6/20/14

Before I get into the nitty gritty and link to some fantastic reads from this past week, I wanted to put out a quick “feeler” (not that kind of feeler. Get your mind out of the gutter) on something I’ve been thinking about doing in the very near future.

People have been asking me for eons now whether or not I’ll ever produce my own product. Much of my reticence in doing so has been the result of:

1) Not rushing into things. I figured twelve years in, and thousands of client/athlete contact hours (again, get your mind out of the gutter), I’ve amassed enough experience to toss my hat into the fitness product ring.

2) Only doing so when I felt I WAS READY. I always laugh when someone who’s just graduated college or has only been working as a personal trainer for a year states that they’re “world renowned” or an “expert.” Then, if that wasn’t enough of a red flag, are quick to promote their opus of an ebook that, according to them, will change the fitness industry and make us all wet our pants.  Twice.

Okay, now everyone’s mind is in the gutter.

Speaking personally, the only thing I was an expert in out of college or that early on in my career was sucking. And Super Mario Kart.

3) Above all, actually coming up with something worth putting out there.

And it’s with that I want to reach out to my peeps, my “Tribe” if you will, to see if anyone would be interested in participating in a Beta group for a program I’d like to test drive.

I’m still in brainstorming mode and nothing is concrete (yet), but I wanted to toss the idea out there to see if there would actually be any interest?

Basically, I’d write 4-6 months of programming (with a degree of customization involved, based of standard assessments and goals) for a minimum cost, and all I’d ask in return is honest feedback on a month-to-month basis from the participants (along with maybe a bag of beef jerky. I really like beef jerky).

Anyways, just wanted to toss that out to the universe and to place it on everyone’s radar.  If you’d like to leave a comment below expressing any interest you may have, that would be awesome.  Thanks!

There were a TON of great articles I read this week:

Another Bullshit Anti-Red Meat Study – Anthony Colpo

Red meat is blamed for everything. Cancer is the main “go to,” but other things like heart disease, obesity, and global warming are on the conversation.

Next time someone berates you for eating a burger and tries to give you a guilt trip about how you’re causing irreparable harm to your body, send them this article.  And then, for shits and giggles, and just because, make fun of them for thinking their non-GMO diet isn’t somehow genetically modified.

Pretty much everything we eat nowadays has been genetically modified to some degree.

Squat Form: Wide Stance vs. Narrow, High Bar vs. Low Bar – Israel Thomas Narvaez

One of THE best articles I’ve read in a long time on squatting technique.  Cue slow clap here.

Paleo is the Scientology of Diets – James Fell

Listen, I “get” why many people gravitate towards the Paleo lifestyle.  Anything that encourages people to eat real, minimally processed, whole foods is cool in my book.

Some people, though, take the Paleo thing too far.  Fantastic writing (and Nickleback burn) by James.